What's In A Name?

Shayla is a beautiful name. I always thought your first name was Annastasia or Anna for short.

Mine is because I nearly tried registering with Dark Angel but thought that would be taken, so I went with Black Angel.
Yeah, I usually sign Anna or Annastasia on the forums, so I don't confuse people! A lot of people actually call me Anna in real life though...so I really go by either. I'm confusing. :p

It's a pretty name wherever it came from. Your parents have great taste!
Aww, thanks! :* And I'm sure my parents would be thrilled to hear that too!
I thought it was taken from the russian princess nice name though and your first one aswell.
Mine elaine and can't stand it.
Wilder not my real name just love the name.
I thought it was taken from the russian princess nice name though and your first one aswell.
Mine elaine and can't stand it.
Wilder not my real name just love the name.
There's nothing wrong with the name Elaine, I quite like it myself.
I like to be called Angie but when I was at school the teachers used my full name, Angela and I loathed it!
At least it wasnt lainey even worse. :lol:
I had quite a few nicknames in high skool. And one day someone started calling me bozza. It sorta stuck. All my usernames for things have is bozza.
i love all catfish and plecs! and vampireplec was one of the ones that sounds realy good together. i had one on here a while ago that i didnt use much cause it wasnt realy that apropriate, munchkintits, wich a nick name my bf (bozza) calls me.
... it's the name of a character in a Soviet era film, basically the character is very fat, very stupid, and has a kalishnikov which she uses a LOT. It's actuall short for Annka 5mm.
it was a nickname from ages ago.
At least it wasnt lainey even worse. :lol:
Kids have no imagination, do they?

you think you had it bad..... my real names Alice...... go on sit and think how many awful annoying songs with my name in :rolleyes:

even had one lad who used to call me Alice Cooper.... har de har har har :rolleyes:
My nickname at junior school was Sylvester after the cartoon cat because I had quite a bad lisp. Luckily my lisp got better as I got older so I eventually lost the nickname. :/
well, mine is my name (Georgia) but since the username georgia was taken, i added grrl on the end (i kinda like the riotgrrl scene form the 90s :) )
Hmm... you guys are amazing on here. I want to tell you guys about the other name you might see me on. jas212311 or jas21_23 I use those fr everything but forums... i know weird huh? wel... jas stands for joe and steph. a friend of mine in hhighschool (named steph :p) were supposed ot put together a poetry book. that never happened but jas stuck as my pen name. as for the numbers. my girlfriend at the time had some influence. its our birthdays combined month day and year. 21= 11 + 10, 23= 17 + 6 , 11= 5 + 6 ('85, '86- i took off the 8 to keep the number in single digits) and well that's that one haha.
The following taken straight from wikipedia
Davy Jones' Locker is an idiom for the bottom of the sea ��" the resting place of drowned seamaen. It is used as a euphemism for death at sea (e.g. to be "sent to Davy Jones' Locker") ; Davy Jones is a nickname (word formerly used by pirates) for what would be the devil of the seas. The origins of the name are unclear, and many theories have been put forth, including incompetent sailors, a pub owner who kidnapped sailors, or that Davy Jones is another name for the devil - as in, "Devil Jonah."

The reputation has been widespread among sailors since its popularization and nautical traditions have been created around Davy Jones. He is also very popular in the broader culture. It is considered to be, even today, modern maritime vocabulary.

I didn't even think about the monkeys, hey hey

I guess I'm just not up on my pirate lingo! And Davey Jones, I read your profile... you remember the Monkeys even better than I do! (Don't go looking ... my age isn't on there!)

bet noone knows why i choose mine :blush:

yup i am a crazy wino!!

Actually its the same as my ebay username, i searched for ages for one and ended up with something crap like deb45-12 , ... after being stuck with that for ages, deceided to change it but i still couldnt think of anything and it asked what kind of hobbies, interests etc i had, bingo, the 1000 bit was cos there was tons. How exciting..not :rolleyes:

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