Whats Better. Natural Or With Ornaments, Shipwrecks Etc,

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Natural, like others, I'm a big fan of the plants + bogwood combo....even if you cant really see the bogwood anymore :rolleyes: .

LOL- one of my tanks has bright red gravel, green glass boulders and spongebob characters!! Fake and tacky all the way!!
Natural always! :good:

I don't even like equipment in the tank.


It looks good, poconoboss! But technically the background and your "wood" in the right corner look artificially made. So one could argue they are ornaments. I do like them though! :D
deffinitly totaly natural, sadly i dont have the money to buy those lights needed to support plant life yet
I cant believe the abundance of natura fish tanks there has ben so far. i had a rough idea it would be more popular but not that much more popular. All your tanks really good guys. makes me fel a bit silly having a ship in there now haha :blush:
no decor just gravel , fish and water :nod:

its a FISH tank not a window box plants are for girls :lol:

does anyone actually buy them ship wreck things i just always see them in LFS with loads of dust on them were they have been their for years

I like natural looking!!


Unfortunately my rocks weren't big enough slabs and so they definitely have a "human placed it there" appearance :rolleyes: It works for now, though. This tank is still very much a work in progress!

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