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Apr 10, 2012
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Moved some fish around and decided on putting my 2 panda show guppies in thier very own 60L tank as i plan on breeding them and want to keep thier strain pure.

(they do have some friends in there though lol, some cherry shrimp.)

Here is thier setup, what ya think?

Panda's are stunning fish, their very rare in the UK, and the base colour is pink on them (Best seen in females), this is why the female show's a very unique yellow tint to her unlike most other guppies.

Good find you got there.

With good show stock your looking for all black fins, pale body, going black for the second half.
I cant wait for her to have her first lot of fry :)

Wish i had a really good camera so i could get better shots, the phone im using to film them does not justify thier true colours at all :crazy:

I feel really lucky to have got these pair, and will do all i can to make sure they have a great life :)
We have had several pairs imported into the UK and dont know of any one who's established them.
But look's like you found someone.

Good luck with them.
We have had several pairs imported into the UK and dont know of any one who's established them.
But look's like you found someone.

Good luck with them.

All i know is that the original mother and father of mine came from one of the BLA shows, (think i got that right).

I dont plan on breeding mine and selling them to random shops, i plan on breeding them to keep what i think is a beautiful strain.

I just noticed on the bla website there is a show in august near york, im really happy because i will be able to go that one :)
York is to far for me so alas i'll not be there, but the other guys have been doing it much longer than me and sure your find then very interesting.

But it will be worth going just to see what else their is out there on the show scene.
Thats a shame, would of been nice to have met you.

Im completely taking a different route now since getting them new panda guppies, i no longer want to just go to my lfs and pay 95p for a random guppy or any other livebearer for that matter... im all for getting to some of these shows and trying to get my hands on some unique strains and also maybe trying to attempt my own kind.

The hobby to me as just got a whole lot more intereting and exciting. (even after 16 years in the hobby)
Well thats good to know c4al from here too is a convert and and has know been showing nice fish for a couple of years with the BLA.

Talking to the people and buying from BLA events are the best way to get 99% sure true pairs. If the judge suspects it's not a true pair the fish will be disqualified in the October show/auction. but this is very rare most good breeders are keen to share there jean pool about, this way if something happens you can at least get the right fish back later.

As for crossing, if you start with a Pink like you have with then panda then crossing with a normal gray would result in in only gray fish. However the top colour will affect the cross, F2's will then produce some Pink fry.

Crossing with other recessive base colour's like blond, yellows, blues, gold, albino or lutino can resualt in double recessive base colours which are white, silver and creme but these are extreamly rare to see. Not something to aim for at first but lurning about all these things will give you an insight into the world of guppies.
Well thats good to know c4al from here too is a convert and and has know been showing nice fish for a couple of years with the BLA.

Talking to the people and buying from BLA events are the best way to get 99% sure true pairs. If the judge suspects it's not a true pair the fish will be disqualified in the October show/auction. but this is very rare most good breeders are keen to share there jean pool about, this way if something happens you can at least get the right fish back later.

As for crossing, if you start with a Pink like you have with then panda then crossing with a normal gray would result in in only gray fish. However the top colour will affect the cross, F2's will then produce some Pink fry.

Crossing with other recessive base colour's like blond, yellows, blues, gold, albino or lutino can resualt in double recessive base colours which are white, silver and creme but these are extreamly rare to see. Not something to aim for at first but lurning about all these things will give you an insight into the world of guppies.

Is there anywhere on the net you know of where i can learn more detailed information about breeding/crossing strains etc?

I really want to start to get in to this side of the hobby now.

Shame you could not get to Nottingham the other week, we had Ronan Boutot from France give us a talk on genetic's..
Very interesting guy and boy did he have plenty to talk about :)

And joining BLA is always a good start :)
I will be at York (fingers crossed) . I only know 2 people who keep the panda strains going shame really as they are a fantastic little fish
Livebearer Master if you are interested in the shows pm me your email address I will get you added to the list and you will receive a email of thing that are going on concerning show guppies
Almost forgot if you want to follow some of Ronan Boutot advice he is on a French forum http://france.vivipare.free.fr/ you may need to translate it with google
An interesting welcome page they have there C4ARL. I don't see an associated forum but just a welcome / sign up page. The BLA and ALA sites are probably easier to use than a french site for most of us. I happen to read french with some facility but that is not true of everyone.
Thanks for the info and thanks for the links.

An interesting welcome page they have there C4ARL. I don't see an associated forum but just a welcome / sign up page. The BLA and ALA sites are probably easier to use than a french site for most of us. I happen to read french with some facility but that is not true of everyone.

It translates to english automatically oldman via google translator.

Try this link, this is where the forum and all the site pages are.

click here

This is a link to thier forum.. click here

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