What Would You Suggest For Starting A Marine Tank?

ok i fairly understand what you just said but i dont know what a skimmer is plz could you tell me also how much would you say all the filters and powerhead etc all together would cost

A skimmer is basically a piece of equipment that removes some of the unwanted stuff from your water.

I'd recommend Deltec or the v2 range. About £100 - £200 depending on which you go for. Deltec are expensive but the nuts!

You'll need 2 powerheads at least (you want to aim for 20x volume per hour flow) around £30 - £50 each depending on brand. Tunze or Seio or maxijet.

Heater ~£30

Live rock is about £11/£12 per kg, you'll need 1kg per 10 litres min 1.5 kg best.

Then there test kits (£40), salt (£30 to start with), ro water or ro filter system (£50), hydrometer or refractometer, buckets, food (£30), there more no doubt....

These figures are rough, but give you an idea...its not cheap :hyper:
My only advice for now would be to read the "realm of knowledge" thread at the top of the page then get down to the library and read as much as you can.

Oh and forget EVERYTHING you have learned from keeping tropical fish. Marines are a whole new world of fish-keeping and IMO should never be compared to keeping FW.

Good luck to you and I hope you make a success of your 1st foray into the marine world :good: It is scarily addictive and once you have your first tank up and running I can guarantee you will become a marine nerd like me :blush: :D
thanks for your reply i am having a nightmare with my tropical at the minuite :angry: :(
also thats is expensive wozaa hope the husband dont mind lol i dot know what to say at the miuite apart from were would you advise buy a tank from because the 1 i like is expensive lol so plz any help on that would be great and if you advise looking on the internet could you tell me some good site plz and also would you advise to buy live rock on the internet and ifso could you tell me were to look plz and 1 more thing is buying fish of the internet a bad thing becuse ive never looked into it but we havent got a great variety down my local lfs so plz any comments and advice and help and anything plz comment thanks :good:
I'd really encourage you to buy a used tank since you can save a lot of money that way. So long as the tank has never been treated with copper based meds, it would be suitable. If the previous owner doesnt know if its been treated with copper, just look at the silicone seals. If they're a creamy white or sky blue, they're fine. If they're blue-green and look like the same color as the statue of liberty, they're contaminated :good:. I know there's some big aquarium website you UK guys use to sell used goods both fresh and saltwater, but I dont know the name of it. Perhaps somebody can tell you and if not, maybe ask around the forum.

As for ordering fish online, its very possible, if not common these days to order livestock online. Shipping practices have gotten a lot better and survival rates are much higher nowadays. I'm sure a UK member can suggest some good online suppliers, as there are some reputable ones out there :good:
thanks for the link ive also found www.liveaquria.com and www.saltwateraquarium.com thse look pretty good but if ny body has bought anything from it could you plz say thank you :good:
also what do you think of the copperband butterflie fish i like it :) also im starting to look into the types of fish so if you could name a few nice or favoruite 1s or something wat would suit around a 70gallon roughly that would be nice :) if you had pics that would be even better :D
oh it looked pretty good to but thats my luck lol i just keep looking but thanks for telling me remember to post some pics of fish plz YAY :nod:
i love these type of fish but could any body comment on these and maybe say if there be ok together in a 69 gallon if not the last 2 because of the clean up crew but the 1st 3 are lovely

copperband butterflie
yellow tang
percula clown fish

bangaii cardinal - dodgey with shrimp
purple pseudochchromius - dodgey with shrimp
copperband butterfly - dodgey with corals and small soft inverts
yellow tang - somewhat ich-prone but otherwise great fish
percula clown fish - great first fish
bangaii cardinal - great fish (only dodgey with shrimp if placed in the tank BEFORE the shrimp)
purple pseudochchromius - same as bangaii, can sometimes get aggressive to other fish. usually not a problem in a 70gal though
ok thanks for the info il updae l8r with info about tanks
the fish i just named could they go togethr in 1 tank(70 gal) and maybe some more fish or would tha be it??
You could add more moderately sized fish to a tank with that volume. What exactly are the dimensions of the tank in question?
i couldnt say i know its wider than upper but still a good depth i will go to the lfs to get the dimensions what fish would you advise with the group i jus said

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