thank you for your advice
So since most of your questions revolve around fish can we assume you're interested in a fish-only setup as opposed to a reef setup?
i am very intrested in a reef tank but i dont know any questions to ask about it but if you have any advice and tips plz let me know and also what fish would you recommend if i went with the 68 gal and a reef setup?
you could start by reading some of the setup journals on here.
in fact i would recommend tones of reading, none of it will make sense at all but soon you'll have little bits that will start to fit together. After this you will be able to ask specific questions about the holes in your knowledge:
'I have X ammount of LR in a 55G how many clean up crew should I buy'
'I have a 150W MH over my 30G its X inches deep what corals would you recommend that are easy to look after'
This said I'll answer your first questions as best I can:
what tank size would you suggest ?
Bigger rather then smaller - I noticed a big differance in the quality of the water when I moved up from 120L to 180L (~ 55G US).
Something that people don't mention a lot is the aspect of the tank: a long shallow tank would be prefered over a tall thin one. One reason is of course that the fish will have more room to move. You mentioned tangs in your question and these fish favour open water in nature so will require lots of room so they don't become stressed and sick. The other main reason is light. You will of course need more lights to get same intensity at 30inches depth than you would if your tank was 15 or 18 inches deep. Lights can be expensive depending what you go for so cost is an issue as is the heat they give off. So make up more water to topup and maybe get a chiller to keep water temp under control? = even more time and cost.
In reality is never as extreme but you get the idea
what clean up crew would you advise and what fish would you recommened ?
A mixture of differant snails and crabs is the most accepted way. Some people leave out crabs totally as they have a tendency to fight each other and kill snails. But your crew can depend on your tank to a degree, eg build the crew for leftover food or algea breakout etc.
In my tank I have cerith and nass snails with blue and scarlet hermits.
Again I'm afraid it's best to read up on what each does and how many you think you'll need. I will say tho that too many will be better than not enough as everything will tend to balance out in the end.
As for fish clownfish are great to start with and shouldn't give you any problems, whatever you go with get tank bred if you can.
Hope some of this helps you.