what would you put in a 10,000g tank?

make that a dp tank with a THOUSAND in it... it'd be insane; you'd have to have malawi-style rock caves and eye-line breaks everywhere

:sick: can you imagine trying to feed a thousand dwarf puffers? you'd need another 10k tank just to breed the snails and ghost shrimp in! and a bucket of live worms every week.
I just hit on this post. Wow, the possibilities!

I could get one of the giant catfish that sit below one of the dams on the Tennessee River, the ones that are supposedly big enough to eat a person. (Don't know if that's true or not, but I diver once told me the cats are huge down there, they just lay there all day with the water flowing over them and eat a lot).

It could be a "pleco shelter" for all the overgrown plecs who don't have big enough homes anymore.

A huge school of tinfoil barbs? They would shimmer like crazy in something that big with some good lighting. Maybe a few oscars to keep it interesting in there.

Or a dolphin "playpen"? Sea turtle haven?

Logistics? How to heat it? How to light it? How to CLEAN it! Ack. How much ammonia to fishless cycle it? And who is going to pay for all that fish food???!!! :eek:


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