what would you put in a 10,000g tank?


don't be a twit
Feb 6, 2005
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Berkeley, CA, USA
did you see the 36'x6'x6' tank on ebay? that's 36 feet long, 6 feet wide and 6 feet high. supposing money, space, spouses and all the other reason we don't own one weren't obstacles... what would you put in a tank that large?

i think i'd stock a pair/trio of every species of SA dwarf cichlid, a giant cory cat school, a shoal of emperor tetras, a shoal of colombian blue tetras, about 30 otocinclus cats, then fill the rest up with an equal number of neons, cardinals, & black neons.

what would you do? a proper biotope? monster fish? breed elephant noses, knifefish, arowanas or spiney eels? lake cichlids? coral reef? let's hear it!
I'd attempt to be the second person in the world to captive breed Fahaka Pufferfish.

I just hope the tank is big enough for two of them.
Well, for starters, I'd fill it to the brim with cardinals, just for the heck of it :) Then.... I'd probably get some reallly big fish. Not very original, but fun :)
SirMinion said:
I'd attempt to be the second person in the world to captive breed Fahaka Pufferfish.

I just hope the tank is big enough for two of them.
:rofl: :rofl:

well, after they killed each other, you could start breeding mbu puffers! :hyper: (yeah, i think i just changed my mind... :drool: )
Allix said:
if it was wide enough, man eating sharks :D
:lol: some thing that looked like a dolphin. :cool:
Hmm...aside from going swimming? I could keep a nurse shark... *grin*

Actually, I'd probably get a huge school of bala sharks...like, 20. Heavily plant the tank and fill up the rest with guppies and tetras. That, or leave the balas out and cover the tank with little fish. Nothing over 5 inches except for some plecs. :D
could you keep the water level at like 6inches a re creat a rice patty??? like really REALLY heavily plant it?? cause that would be awsome to have like 3,000,000,000,000,000 BETTAS AHHH OMG!!! I WANT IT!!! :drool: to bad my house isnt big enough or else i would be on my way to queens right now :p my dad has the money for it!! :S its confusing to be where other items arent
HEY That reminds me... they are selling 2,000 gallon pools at home depot!!! :) for like 14$ can i get it and keep gold fish in it???? well of course im gonna coat it with something that is safe for fish... like a HUGE pond tarp and it has a nice filter for its self... im gonna put a sponge over it to that it wont suck up the fish and also im gonna rig the pipes to have a chamber to hold some carbon!!! AND im saying this cause its easyer to have a blow up pool than a pond (i live in a duplex)
Hmm, if i have a 10,000gal tank....
Well firstly i'd plant some mangrove trees and large lilys with white and pink flowers and various other flowering pond plants in it and then i put about 1000 guppys, 1000 platys, 100 mollys and 600 neon tetras, 5 adult sailfin plecs and 5 adult common plecs- iknow its not a very original combo but they are my favorite fish :D
well good than you can have my common pleco :p i have no room for him anymore... he is getting HUGE!!!! and at his growing rate... i doubt the 25long im getting will do him any good :(

i also doubt that the 55 will be here soon enough! :(
a asian arowana community of about 10, plenty of stingrays, birchirs, eels, big cats, sevrums anything else big i can get me hands on.

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