What would I need for a nano?

3fsh said:
It's better than play sand, which will encourage algae blooms and a buildup of ammonia as the water cannot circulate properly through it, and it has absolutely no buffering capabilities. A bag of reef sand is only $2 bucks more than crushed coral... I was just giving the best "cheap" option. :rolleyes:
The crushed coral cannot be sifted by any of the critters in the tank, its just too big. This will allow detrius to fall through the cracks and accumulate. In turn, nitrates will get out of hand causing a tank crash.

Sand can be sifted by an assortment of animals. Play sand does not encourage algae blooms or buildups of ammonia, i wonder what your source is for this information. I have play sand and have not had any algae or ammonia problems of any kind (there are also a myriad of ppl using it with great success over at RC). Also, crushed coral will have a very very low buffering capacity as well. It only dissolves in small areas where bacterial action lowers the pH. The effect is pretty insignificant.
sand, all of it, sucks. go bb and get a thin sheet of HDPE. Blast that bottom with a decent flow pump. and keep the crud off of it.
I have seen play sand cause all sorts of problems in a tank. Agreed it really depends on the type of play sand but this means searhcing around for the sand thats made with the right stuff. I personally would not use it (even though i really like the look of the stuff) as i would prefer something tried and tested (i.e. natural)
Alright, Hold the phone. I see nothing good coming from this. You are setting up a novice with an expert only tank. Take it back a bit, a low income novice, this just sounds bad all around. Not that it cant be done, but failure is rather high in cases such as this. Navarre and Adrinal, should have seen this one from a mile away. I am rather shocked and a bit dissapointed with both of you. I feel like reporting you both to the reef police. :huh:
How is my set up "expert"?
And I quote:

"For truely only one clown fish..
What I would do min is:

30L or 29 high (30L better)
Biggest HOB filter made (or 2 small ones).
one or two maxijet 900s
2-3 big pieces of LR (preff 20-30 LB).

15-20 mini Turbo (astria)
15-20 nasarith (sp)
OR but not both
30ish small hermit crabs

amonia NO2/No3 tests.
RO water (whether you buy or have the machine)."

And I quote again

"The nano cubes look cool... but I dont see the point if you are doing this on the cheep.

20g L will be your best bet if you have a spot to put it on.

Only 25 bucks and the better shape.

I use a work shop hood (4 bucks) and a 6500 spectrum light from Home Depot

("Commercial Electric 19w=75w Daylight" comes in a blue clamshell and you know its the right one because the back side says 120volt -19watt 6500k).

around 8-9 bucks.

I use one of these in my sump, but if I was doing it on a main tank I would put 2 perhaps 3 on a long tank. Nice crisp white light."

I am not catching the expensive part...Nor am I catching the hard part...
I dont see why this cant be done as long as stocking is sensible and above all slow.

Agreed if someone was just going out and buying a tank and setting it, then yes it would be a bad idea, however if they take advice from forums and read around the subject I see no reason why it should fail.
I dont like recomending small tanks to people as tehy are more trouble usually. However, telling every person on here NOT to start a nano tank only makes the go ahead and start up without our advice. As mentioned, i would advise against it and get the biggest possible tank that canbe afforded. People dont have large budgets and think a nano is cheaper (not that simple). If a person is set on a small tank for whatever reason then i feel its better to try and steer them right than to not give any advise at all.
I agree with ya Navarre to a point. I really don't think nanos are that tough. I had no reefkeeping experience before starting my 10 gal and have had no major setback to day, its been 10 months. As long as you keep up with WCs, test often, and go slow you will have a successful reef.
Ah i missed the point ramjet.

I agree, I personally would never set up a SW tank smaller than a 40 breeder with a sump. I also agree /w nav though :)

Look mom, im a polition now.
alright. First off Nano's are not expert only. The only difference is that the levels on a nano fluctuate more. Also if u do get a nano ,clownfish are pretty hardy and have a small chance of dying.

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