If they were born on the 10th December, they're not ready to be weaned yet? Mum should be looking after them still and the vet is the best person to deal with problems such as the mum not wanting to feed (could be mastitis?), problems with the pups' waste, etc. I assume this was an accidental litter?
NatureDiet is a good prepared food for both Mum and pups (when there ready) if that helps. Many commercial foods aren't that cracking and some more of the better known brands (Pedigree, Bakers, etc) are basically empty calories with colourants and additives.
No this Was a carefully planned litter, they were bred by the book with vet visits before and after, the mother definatly doesn’t have mastitis, they are developing much sooner than they should do , there eyes opened 4 days before they should have and they are peeing and pooing on their own. But the mother still helps occasionally there only 3 days away from 3 weeks. They are fully active and walking and willing to try food. I did mean weaning sorry... We have brought a bag of the weaning food from the vets. We are close friends with a breeder and were just seeking other people opinions.
So well my sister's Yorkie Recently had pups and we were wondering what to whelp them on. The mother eats puppy packet food.
Should we Buy the special whelping dried food or just mix her food or puppy dried food with water?
What do you all use to wean your puppy's (I understand there is a few breeders on here.
May post some pictures, Is it unusual for them to *Expel Waste* on their own ?
They Were born on 10/12/06 there eyes and ears are open, and the ***** wants to leave them more.
All the best
I assume you mean weaning food? They will not be ready for weaning until they are at least 4 weeks old if not older. Yorkies are slower to start weaning than larger breeds. I used to breed them. The ***** should be fed as much as she wants to eat of a high quality puppy kibble, plus scrambled eggs, cooked mince, beef heart, cottage cheese etc. She should also have access to water at all times. She should not be getting fed up of the pups already. When you say "expel waste" do you mean poo? They are able to poo but the mother should be licking them to encourage defecation and then eats it.
Breeding dogs is hard work and the breeder should really know what they are doing. To be honest I firmly believe that people who want to breed should be licensed by law and have to pass some sort of test as lack of knowledge usually means weakly pups or a badly pulled down *****. The puppies will not be ready to leave mum completely until they are 10 weeks old.
I take it that the ***** was never taken to a vet during the pregnancy nor after whelping to check that everything is as it should be? I get really cross with backyard breeders as both pups and mum usually end up suffering and bitches are often bred far too young with cash being the prime concern.
I hope your sister will get the ***** spayed as soon as it is possible to do so.
I used to breed and show but now do rescue and fostering and run a pet advice line.
The ***** is being fed puppy food, I think its the scientific plan or hills, One like that anyway she has water all the time and her food as well, She gets fed chicken breast not bones they can cause constipation she is not fed other scraps as it can harm the puppies but she is fed meat when ever possible. they wee and poo with out encouragement, And yes the breeder has read up about it she spent weeks talking to other breeders our friend and reading books We were advised by one breeder to leave the pups out in a shed with a hot water bottle, I read up too as I had to look after the pups while she was out, And I delivered the pups myself, here is the equipment we had:
Artery forceps (sterilised)
Scissors (sterilised)
Kidney dish
Alcohol preparation wipes
cotton balls
hand sanitizer
Birthing Box
digital thermometer
Puppy identity bands
The vet was also consulted and we also informed him when she was in labour and had her checked right after. The ***** ( Pippi ) Was not bred for cash but so we could Rehome the Puppies and give people the same enjoyment of the breed as what we have had. She was fully checked by her vet before hand and given the go ahead as was the male. She has had two pups I’m having the girl and the boy is going to a woman with the funds to look after it and previous yorkie ownership and we have also offered to accept the dog back if there is any problems with a full refund We have been to see her home and it s more than safe ( the dogs get more than me for Christmas) we would have not bred her if we didn’t have the funds or knowledge or she would have problems . And just as a fact it has cost us more in vet fees and the set up than she will get pups are going for £350, Just under the normal Price for a Pedigree. Puppies are going for a heath check before they are Rehomed. If there was a test both I and my sister would have took it before we bred her.
Just in case your still not sure about my or my sisters knowledge I will tell you how I Birthed the pups, the contractions started at 11:51 and I got the stuff ready and brought pippi into her breeding box and the first puppy was delivered at 12:14 within the half an hour limit. I gave pippi around 20 seconds to burst the bag her self which she didn’t do , so I burst the First and second bag and cut the umbilical cord, The placenta was discarded and cleared up. The second pup (girl) Started to come out at 12:41 and was breeched so I had to Gently twist the pup who was stuck until she came out pippi would not break the sacks again so I broke the two sacks and cut the umbilical cord, This time pippi ate the placenta and started licking the pup as she did the first, all sacks were broke within a minute I noticed that the second pup was not breathing so I took over and rubbed the pup with a new cotton towel, This did not help so I did the method where you swing the pup to clear fluids this didn’t work. So I resulted finally to blowing in the pups nostrils gently which cleared the fluids and the puppy let loose a squeak of protest. After the ***** and pups had settled down I recorded there birth weights 3 ounce and 4 ounce then made sure they had there first feed.
If she isn’t cleaning the pups then you need to find out why and fast. I would give the vet a call and ask for some help. Is this her first litter? Are there lots of people around picking the pups up or just not leaving her in peace?
Look in the yellow pages for other breeders and see if anyone can help you.
The no Touch rule is in force still, No one is allowed to touch the puppies unless extremely necessary and before they do they must wash there hands and use the hand sanitizer. This is the bitches first litter she will feed them every 3 – 4 hours now used to be 1 - 2 hours, she is left in a room to herself unless she wants someone in, She like to have my sister in with her. She does clean the pups and stimulate them but they also pee and poo on there own.
We have contacted our pedigree breeder representative to enquire about things
I Hope this clears up any misjudgements
All the best
The puppies have their heat pad and blankets and it is changed everyday the room is also kept warm. We wouldn’t do anything to unnecessarily put a dog in danger especially not for money as we have said from the beginning pippi comes first.
We were warned that first breeders always get the lecture, But they said that's just what every breeder goes through.