What Type Of Pleco Is This ?

ow it dose now i think its a sailfin
hi u got the pics then think it mite be a gibby as i brought it from pets at home and there was no sign to tell me what it it cost 3.95 and ive been to the shop recently in the tank i had it from theres a sign saying gibbys 3.95 im going have to get rid of him.
it's a gibby or sail fin, this can grow to 24 inches long!
what size tank do u have?
hi thanks for that im goin have to get rid of him some how ive only got a
37 litre tank

yh they get agressive aswell mine started to attack my mollys
yeh ive noticeed wen i feed him wid them wafer things the fish suck em aswell in he goes for the fish
Where are you located? If you are near me I'll take him.

If not return him to the shop and complain that they sold you an unsuitable fish loudly when lots of customers are there.
Where are you located? If you are near me I'll take him.

If not return him to the shop and complain that they sold you an unsuitable fish loudly when lots of customers are there.
im from stoke on trent if any 1 wants it

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