Beefheart and large flake worms are th best. Blood worms are hit and miss with leopard cntepomas. 2 of mine will eat blood worms, the other two ignore it. All of them absolutely adore beef heart and all will eat large flakes. Just know that they can eat smaller fish like neon tetra when they get larger, and could eventually eat fish as large as platy's as well. They will not defend themselves against anything bu tothers of their own species, so don't put them with agressives, and I can't think of much else other than, they need a spot to hide during the day. When they are small light doesn't bother them too much, but as they grow, they become more accustomed to the darkness of a cave or something. My two 6 inch ones only come out when the lights are on if I come near the tank, or at night.