What To Feed?

Thank you so much. I know where I can find a good supply of those. And Fereal123 is there anything in particular I should know about them?
Beefheart and large flake worms are th best. Blood worms are hit and miss with leopard cntepomas. 2 of mine will eat blood worms, the other two ignore it. All of them absolutely adore beef heart and all will eat large flakes. Just know that they can eat smaller fish like neon tetra when they get larger, and could eventually eat fish as large as platy's as well. They will not defend themselves against anything bu tothers of their own species, so don't put them with agressives, and I can't think of much else other than, they need a spot to hide during the day. When they are small light doesn't bother them too much, but as they grow, they become more accustomed to the darkness of a cave or something. My two 6 inch ones only come out when the lights are on if I come near the tank, or at night.
Thank you so much ArauraDiscus. But last night mine was starting a fight with my Neolamprologus leleupi inside of his cave. Do you think that they will eat ghost shrimp if the other fish are already eating it too? Just another option. But first I will definately try larger flakes than what I have and bloodworms. It might take me a while to find beefheart.
what a coincedence. I bought 20 ghost shrimp today and put about 15 in my 55 for my other fish. The little guy was trying to peck at a died one that got caught by my rosy barbs until another fish stole it.
only just seen this thread :eek:

mine is about 2-3 inches and it eas, daphnia,bloodworm,discus food (frozen) :blink: tetra prima :)
Oh. I'm sad to say my friend came to take him away. :sad: Well he didn't actually come to take him away but left with him. He's going to raise him for me. My other fish were being....welll fish.

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