What To Do With My 125L Now.

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They are fine with them at the time being. 
Not even bothered by them. 
They rarely go for any fish in the tank apart from themselves. 
I am hoping to remove them as much as I love the colour I don't want to wake up one morning and have them disembodied across the tank cause of my angels. 
i ask as I have embers in a tank which would suit some smaller angels (when they grow bigger I'd move then to a larger tank with larger fish).
But I had avoided mixing the two as the embers are pretty tiny.
My angels would be big enough to try and eat them and I've had nothing yet. 
I guess it just depends on your fish's temperaments when if you get some 
Thanks Asteria.
I'll bear that in mind.  I'm looking to move house in a couple of months so I won't be getting any for a little while, if I do decide to.
you should do a video of your tank, looks great!
the tank looks dull but that's because the Indian almonds leaves have done their thing.  And I've had to add more as they'd decayed down    

New additions also 
Loving the look of the tank.  Beautiful angels! 

And you have Pandas! 
Just thought I'd share a picture of one of my angels he's super angry xD

This was at feeding time and my fish literally go into a frenzy so those specs in the water are the 'dust' from it.
I fed them blood worms


He's angry with you xD
That's a very angry looking angel!  And I knew it reminded me of something :D
Ahaha omg it's so my angel xD
The thing is his other side looks somewhat calm. He's like a ying yang of the fish world xD
It's the main reason I bought him. I picked him for his mono brow xD

I dubbed him Bruno or Beckii (there's a joke behind this xD) if he ends up being female.

On a side note. My cories are loving this storm !
They are so active and having fun :D
I managed to snap some pictures when doing my water change




There are alot more of these also!
Will upload the video later also
Hahaha!  He looks huge :D
I hope you have a very large tank. lol
Well my tank makes my angels look small so xD

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