Ah, well you can tell them you've received at least one grassroots vote for having it back where it belongs. I want to know which continent I'm dealing with right when I'm digesting the OP's question, not when I go off to view his/her profile! Hopefully it would just be a fun little html project for one of them to copy that profile info into some of that vast extra white space in the poster summary box or whatever its called. I know they're probably too busy right now just trying to stabilize the new version and get the skins back and all, but one of them might find it fun after things settle down.
Sorry, I know this should be down in the board section!
forum formatting is still "iffy", on most skins. but its improving. but, in my view not enough. i gave up mentioning it, as, too many inexperienced (and some experienced) forum members, think i just don't like change. lol, I'm all for changes. is it so odd i expect them to work properly? I'm just glad I'm not a mod, well here, it cant be easy at the moment.