Red: you have a very good idea!!!

Considering how great I am at computers, though, I think I'm going to have to rely on someone else to set up the website... :look:

We do need to come to a real decision here, though, so that we can actually get something done in this lifetime. We have to get something we can all agree on... Sending letters? Setting up a website? From there, we can go on to billboards, advertisements, etc. The idea of standing in front of stores that sell dyed fish and handing out flyers is also a good idea; you can count me in on that one.

Let's see if we can't start a list of pet shops that sell dyed fish so that we know which ones to stand in front of.
--Meijer's, a big chain store that sells practically everything--including fish--is one such store, I know.
HAHA WE NEED FIREPOWER, THEN WE COULD BLOW ALL THE BAD PET STORES TO PEICES MUAHAHAHA haha jk i will help need adress and time tho hope this idea will work
From experience campaigning on behalf of Greenpeace and Friends of the Earth, writing to a body like the RSPCA wouldn't necessarily give the shops selling dyed fish a fright. I believe you need to do 2 things:

1) Pick a chain/large shop, find out the name and address of the managing director/CEO, put up a standard letter on here, and get people to print it out, sign it and send it in. Companies react much more to mail sent directly to them, rather than something from the RSPCA saying "we've had 5,000 complaints". It also needs to go to the Head Office and the top person rather than local managers - this way the person in charge knows the full extent of people's feelings. We also need to say that this is the start of a full blown campaign which will involve the press and other media, where we will advise people to boycott dyed fish sellers, and that we may well be putting up lists of 'bad' shops and possibly demonstrating outside. This will make the company weigh up whether the profits from the dyed fish are more than the business they will lose plus the hassle factor and bad image. We need to overload their mail rooms so they really get the message, and remind them that we are dedicated fish keepers who spend LOTS of money in the industry. Money talks!

2) Set up an on-line petition and information site (in conjunction with Practical Fishkeeping and Death by Dyeing?) and carry out a well targetted campaign, involving all the media attention possible, plus lobbying government etc. Link the information on here with the letter campaigns. Get the general public involved in this side of it.

All this needs to be coordinated and targetted, so that we 'convert' one chain/shop at a time. If we write a few letters to each of the 'bad' shops we won't have any impact, whereas if we all do one shop at a time we will overcome!! We also need to decide if we're doing one campaign, or if we're gonna target UK and USA separately.

I'd be happy to help in any way I can.


PS - usual disclaimers, this is just my opinion and if everyone else thinks it's a crappy opinion then I bow to the majority!! :p
I didnt realise that they still did that. I thought it was made illegal, dunno what made me think that. Hmmmmm :/
I just looked at the Death by dyeing site, those poor fish have not only suffered in the process but also look absolutely FOUL :sick: .

How anyone could knowingly buy an unnaturally coloured fish is a mystery to me, so I think the public generally do not realise the fish has been dyed. Writing articles for newspapers (even local ones) that have a "pets & pet care" feature section will raise awareness of the issue.

E-mailing your non-fishy friends the link to the death by dying site will also help as they might forward the message on to others. I'll be adding it to my ordinary e-mail signature.

How sad that the list of responsible dealers contains only ONE entry. :no:

And where is the list of stores which sell them you are planning to target?I was not aware that the practice existed until I saw your signatures and although it seems to be largely confined to the States most of your ideas gradually make it over here.
Campaigning tips from the RSPCA (UK) website : www.rspca.org.uk

Every e-mail/letter that goes unwritten is an opportunity missed. All editors and elected officials know that few people actually make the effort to write. Anything you write is assumed to represent the views of a large percentage of the public choosing to remain silent.

Ways to make an impact :

Keep your e-mail/letter clear and short - ideally deal with just the one topic.

Make it a personal statement - this has far more impact.

Always let the addressee know your name and give your address.

Explain how you are affected by the issue and what your views are. If you have any special training or expertise in the subject, say so.

Be polite - being aggressive won't help your case.

If a politician already supports an issue you care about, write to thank them for their concern - such support may further develop a politician's interest in the issue.

Request an answer to your e-mail/letter - you can find out how your political representative intends to act.

Write a follow-up - depending on the outcome it may be a thank you or a polite expression of disappointment.
One of the fishkeeping magazines, Tropical Fishkeeper I think does free editorials and I bet PFK would be interested.
I rekon it would be an idea if someone could send a press release explaining about the idea with web address and a submit button thing like Red suggested.
Chance are a few million people who read the magazines would join in :huh: ;)

The other idea I have involves bricks and spray paint :lol:

Just kidding ;)
Seeing as I don't know which stores sell dyed fish (we need a list, people!!!), I'm thinking of standing in front of my local PetSmart and handing out flyers explaining about dyed fish and encouraging people to buy fish at places like PetSmart, which don't sell such fish. For some reason, I doubt that the PetSmart people should have much of a problem with that...
This topic should be pinned all around the site so that everyone sees it. So could the first mod who sees this please pin it, not just here, but all over the site, I also think that a new special campaighn one should be made so that we know what we're doing, as this post is mainly ideas now. Just an idea. :D
why cant we make one biug email and then sign it like a potition
hiya all!!

Sarah.. great post!! I agree completely with you. I work in the field of mental health and have been doing a big campaign lately for changes in funding etc.
What we have learned:

1,Although you might get more signatures on a petition.. individual letters are the only way to go!!! A petition is just one document.. read it and its done. But... imagine getting hundreds or thousands (!) of letters coming in within a span of a week or two??? THAT will make someone sit up and take notice. And they should be indivualized letters.. not a standard print it off and sign your name kinda letter because it won't get read after the first one. Each one needs to be personalized but just on the same theme. We need to hit these guys where it counts.. thier pocket book. Tell them we'll go do all our shopping at Petsmart and other responsible chains.

2. We definetly need a time frame.. a window of a few weeks where the letter should be sent so they're bombarded with many at once.

3. Each region should choose it's own stores to target. I"m from Canada. What does the store owner in UK care if a Canadian doesn't like what he sells? I'll never be buying from him to begin with. Maybe each country/state/province/region (whatever your country has) can decide?

ok..that's it for me!! I love this idea btw! Just yesterday i stopped into a small local fish store and saw some painted tetras for the first time. Before i realized what they were I wanted them.. they were sooo pretty!!! If I hadn't read about them in here I probably would have got a few.

Let's hear more ideas and get this thing going!!

I think that each local newspaper should have either a cloum or an advertisent, this would definately help. Yes, I was going to say, if they're emails they'll think there SPAM and delete them all! :no: This should not be happening. So we should al sned PERSONAL letters. You could PM people with an approximate lay out, but nothing serious. It should go on between the course of two weeks.

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