What to breed?


It's only forever; not long at all...
Dec 23, 2004
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Well, as above really. Unfourtunately the tank is rather high (18'' long and 15'' high and 12'' backwards), but hopefully this shouldn't make much difference. OK, my main specifications are...
Not livebearers (ie, slightly more challenging)
Not cories (I've got enough of them :))
OK to breed in hard water (yes, I could collect rainwater, but in this heat, its not very likely to rain for rather a long time)
Adult fish fairly small (3inches ish)

Brightly coloured
Fairly commonly available (I can't get killies:sad: or anything majorly out of the ordinary)
Preferable not tetras, danios, other small schooling fish

Thats about all I can think of. The possible specifications can be broken, although I'd prefer not to if possible. So.... Is there anything that fits the bill? Hehehehe :shifty:
Nah, they're pretty expensive and I'd be pretty miffed if none hatched or I killed or the fry or something awful like that :)
I hear guppies are very, very hard to breed...... :lol: :rolleyes:
Dwarf cichlids would be the best and most rewarding fish to breed :nod: Apistogramma (Apistos) , nannacara, laetecara (Flag cichlids) , or Ramirezi (Rams) species would be great fish to breed, because not only do they all look amazing when breeding, these fish will also take care of the fry for you (Some may eat the first few batches, but they'll get the hang of it) , and they can usually get their fry up to a size where you can feed them crushed food :)

No matter what fish you breed, just be sure to research them thoroughly first, I'm sure you would anyway :p

HTH :)
Any of the julidochromis species will be good in a tank that size. They maintain very small territories and should be fine in that tank.
Dwarfs said:
No matter what fish you breed, just be sure to research them thoroughly first, I'm sure you would anyway :p
Yep, thats why after *lots* of research I've decided to breed Oscars :p They're fine in a 3g, right? :p Thanks for all the suggestions, I think I'll take a lookie at the lfs tomorrow and see whats around.
Oh yeah, better mention they won't be staying in the 15- I want some in the 20 and some *possibly* in other tanks if I can get any. And some will be sold to lfs's, ebay... etc.

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