What To Add To Current Stocking


Dec 16, 2008
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Hi everyone, got myself a 180litre tank currently housing a group of l134 pleco's with just a couple of plants and a rock formation the length of the tank with loads of caves and tubes in amongst.

Im not quite sure but what would be the best fish to add to the tank to give it a bit more excitment, as although they are my favourite fish, l134's are not exactly the most active.

Im thinking about trying to re-create a more of a river feel, considering a powerhead to create them a more natural habitat as such.

any input would be greatly appreciated.


my current setup (plants a bit wild atm i know haha :blush: )
I'm thinking some angel fish in there. They will occupy the middle of the tank. I really like the look of the tank btw.
Thanking you about the tank.

I had one angel fish as a gift before he grew huge and terrorised my larger tank, so personally left a bad taste from the expirience, but thanks anyways....

decisions decisions
Were you thinking along the lines of a few largeish, striking fish or a large shoal of smaller fish?
well realisticly i wouldnt mind a couple of possible larger fish but i am open to something new an exciting haha
Hmm, larger fish aren't my area of expertise (not that much is!) how about Gourami or Rainbows? I know nothing about Cichlids but I'd assume that most of them would like to take up residence in your plecs' caves... Paradise Fish?
What's your water like? If it's hard of soft it could narrow your choices a bit!
At the moment, its soft i have been changing water with RO water so im guessing soft to very soft really, although my tap water is pretty well in the middle with about a ph of 7.

This setup is at about 6.5 on the PH at the moment though as there are peat in the filter also.

Im running an Rena xp3 and fluval 105 so it is more than over filterd to say the least and i do at least 2 gravel vac's a week with about 25% water change each time.

Im thinking about a fairly decent group of angels possibly, as someone i have recently dealt with sells them and has a large amount of juvenile's, so depending on what size his adults are I may delve into them.

Not really a massive fan of rainbows IMO, I seen some congo tetra's the other day which quite tickled my fancy. wonder how them and angels may get on hmmmm.

Not really sure as i have always bought fish for the sake of liking them, not overally due to similar species, thus having denisoni', a pearl gourami some red eye tetra's some black tetra's and various bottom dwellers in my large tank. BTW they all are absolute bff for ever haha.

(went on for a while there lol)
I often go on a bit, it's easy to do! Angels would look nice in there, particularly the wild type IMO. They should be fine with Congo Tetra (they've got some gorgeous huge males in my lfs at the mo) in fact I looked very hard at them a while ago when looking for tankmates for my huge Angel. I guess the best bet would be just to do some window shopping, see what takes your fancy and see if they'd suit your tank?
Rainbows wouldn't suit your water anyway so that's one type discounted!
haha guess so, think i will get hold of the guy about some younger ones maybe get a decent'ish group of them sort the plants out in the tank as there is quite a lot. prob about 3 or 4 i dont really need in there.

hmmmmmmmmmmmm angels eyy. Think it will be. The guy did say he has 5000 at his house hahaha

so may take a little bunch

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