What Strain Are My Swordtails?


New Member
Oct 8, 2005
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Im afraid that i havent got any pictures, as they wont stay still long enough for me to take a picture.

They are black, with a few blue/green patches. They have yellow fins, and obviously the males are brighter then the females.

Any ideas?
Hmm...the first thing that comes to mind would be Black Swordtails, which look like this. Sometimes they have clear fins too, and some are more black then others...but do they basically look like this?

However, the patches are what is making me think it is not them. Can you describe what you mean by patches more? :)
That is what I would have said as well. Black swordtails sometimes have a shimmer of green or blue in their color and yellow fins.
i've got a black swordtail that looks exactly like you described sorry no pics can't figure out how to post never mind catching then in a good pic
My first fish was a black swordtail, along with a plec and an orange male sword. Hahhh.... That was almost three years ago. I remember her like shes still with me, I have photographic memory after all. She was black, with clear fins, and she sparkled green and blue under the light. I have never seen one with yellow fins, though, so maybe yours is different?

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