What Sort Of Glass Catfish Is This?


Fish Crazy
May 12, 2007
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Hi all
My OH got all excited at our 300L getting up ang running and came home from the pet shop with these...
Glass catfish

They are currently in our mature 60L as a short term measure until the big tank matures a bit (no other fish in there). From research size varies from 2-6" depending on type of glass catfish just wondering which sort these are. Apparently the most common ones (bichirs?) sold in the UK grow to 6"

They are approx 2" long now and he got 6. They are feeding well and are quite active.
Any Ideas?
I think i just mispelled the latin name bit. I had checked out that website but was not sure, so I can expect maybe 36" of fish if they grow to full size to go in the 300.
Thanks :)

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