What Size Tank For One Betta

at least 2.5 gallons, but 10 would be a better option, the kits are cheap and 10 provides plenty of space for a betta and even some other small life. a lot of those small 2.5 to 5 gallon plastic tanks are total trash. they look bad, don't provide any room for small mistakes, and they easily over heat just by leaving the light on.
You can only keep male bettas with certain tank mates but I'd go a 5 gallon heated and filtered if I were you maybe even a ten gallon and get some small corys too :good:
10 gallon if you have the room, but a 5 is fine if he's going to be the only occupant
I have mine in 5 gallon cubes & they're doing fine

P&H have cheap 5 gallon cubes, always get the biggest you can afford & have the room for, your Betta will be happier with more space

Imo 7.6 litres is too small, that's only 2 gallons & by the time you've added substrate etc, would probably only end up being 1.5
I have my betta in a 5 gallon tank. That's about 19 litres. He has 1.5 inches of smooth gravel, an internal filter , a heater, a cave, and various plants. He likes to rest and sleep on the leaves of the amazon sword and the anubis. He builds a bubble nest in the corner.

I have a 5 gallon and its perfect:') You can even have a few shrimp:'D

You have to be careful with shrimp. I bought 5 ghost shrimp when I bought my betta and they were all eaten in a few days. Some bettas don't mind shrimp, but others like to feast on them.
One of mine lives happily with shrimp, the other 2 thought they were snacks, it depends on your Bettas temperament

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