What Should My Nitrate, Nitrite Etc Levels Be?

Sorry, but I largely disgree with what this site is saying. It rolls out old, tired, and unproven statements about nitrates such as:

"Readings above 50 ppm (Parts per million) need urgent attention and it is considered that a reading of 20 ppm or under is acceptable."

There is no evidence to suggest Nitrates >50ppm are harmful to fish, yet there is evidence of fish living in these levels for years.

It also suggests reducing nitrates and phosphates as means of removing algae, yet algae can be grown in RO water using just sunlight.

Once it has finished telling you to remove nitrates and phosphates, it then goes on to say you should add them via plant food.

It is also incorrect when it says that CO2 levels in excess of 20ppm can adversely affect fish. All my fish are kept in 30ppm with zero problems.

Like SJ2K says, you will just have to keep on top of the water changes to keep ammonia and nitrite down.

Thanks ever so much for all the advice guys and girls.

Ill keep the post updated when I do levels check later today.
Thanks ever so much for all the advice guys and girls.

Ill keep the post updated when I do levels check later today.

To get your Nitrite levels down do a 25 % water change and if you have an API liquid test kit use that on some of yoru tap water just to make sure your tap water has 0 ammonia and 0 nitrite at least then you know what you are putting in the tank.

Post up some results later and I'll try and help further :good:
Before I do my water change I tested everything again,

My tap water is 0 for nitirite and 0 - .25 for Ammonia

Tank water is 2 - 5 for nitrite and 0 - .25 for Ammonia

Nitrate which I know I needn't worry about is 20.

Am gonna eat my dinner and then do a water change.

Am I looking at a water change a day until my nitrites settle down?
* rolls sleeves up and takes watch off *

Wheres that bucket and siphon gone!!

Heres to more wet carpet in the house....

Thanks again peeps
Bit of an update, have been checking levels for the last few days and whilst Ammonia is still hovering around the 0 - .25 mark Nitrite is coming down to a more reasonable level. So looks like things are settling down. Gonna do a big water change on Tuesday and go from there.

Not going to put any more fish in this side of xmas just to be on the safe side but things are looking up.

Thanks again for all the input.

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