What should I put in my tank???


Fish Fanatic
Nov 14, 2003
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Hi kids!
I just "upgraded" to a 25g tank! woohoo! :lol: Right now I have about 40+ guppy fry in there, but they'll be moving on to other homes soon, so I want to think it out before hand on what to get. I have to admit I'm a little bored with the guppies. :crazy: I want a bigger fish with lots of personality and color. Maybe a bit of an attitude :p I was thinking about maybe a couple little cichlids, or anglefish or ...well, I can't decide! I want suggestions! I was worried that this might turn into people saying what there favorite fish are, but I guess that'd be okay. I just want to make sure whatever I finally choose would be ok in the 25g tank :whistle:
Angels would get too big for your tank and I am not sure about other cichlids. I keeps kribs and they are good m=in my community tank, even with 4 of them. However, a pair would need room big enough to be able to get away from each other so I am not sure.

You could have a pair of kribs and some target fish like barbs. That would be cool. Um, you could have a well planted tank with a dwarf gourami and some tera with some cories maybe?

What do you like? Everyone has a favourite, mine are loaches and suckermouth catfish.


I only really know about the guys in my signature, but I do have a lot of fish!!
I'm not sure. I'm not that attracted to barbs, though. I like alot of different kinds of fish. Theres so many different kinds, some I've never heard of. I hope that someone will suggest a fish and I'll read about it and totally fall in love lol. Hey, I can dream. :rolleyes:
("if only those oscars stayed that little")
Your 'target' fish would not need to be barbs, just a fast swimmer who's not a bottom dweller.

You must have an idea of what you like!! Do you want breeding, species, small, big, community, oddballs????
I like big fish, or fat looking fish really. B) I was thinking about having a couple fish that would be like the "main attraction", but in a community tank with others. I would be willing to have to make some specail movements, feed some wierd food or something. I have some $$ to spare :lol: Maybe some contrasting colors. :dunno: I'm looking through some really good websites now...
Well for colour cardinal tetra would be nice but they need a mature aquarium. Dwarf gouramis are pretty, especially the males. Kribs are gorgeous, especially if you could get some albino ones.

IMO it's important to have a good mix of top/middle/bottom to make the most of your space.

Congrats on the upgrade!

If you like attitude, check out redtail black sharks. Lotsa fun to watch - my friend has one that sleeps upside down in a slate cave he made. They're usually best kept with barbs. Check out cherry barbs, black barbs, and long-finned barbs. I'm not a huge tiger barb fan, but I like those others. Rasboras should be ok with the shark too. You could get an African butterfly fish for the top, or maybe some marbled hatchetfish or mop-spawning killis (only choose one of the 3!). Long-fin blackskirt tetras might even do fine with the shark.

It's basically my plans for a future tank :p

Good luck and have fun!
If you like Fat fish go with a puffer they are pudgy and full of personality and they come in all sizes from an inch long dwarf to a 30 inch long mbu (not recomended for a 25 gallon tank :p )

Thanx all! :D
Aw, I almost forgot about those red tailed sharks! I've always thought they looked so cool... Do you think some zebra danios be okay with them? :dunno: I was checking out some Neolamprologus leleupi, too... We used to have a butterfly fish, too. They're so cool to watch... There were dwarf puffers at the lps last time I went... didn't know anything about them so I didn't pay much attention. I guess this is a great place to learn/ask. :)
I know that from now until I decide its all gonna be about what fish is compatible with who :whistle: Fish are so addicting! :wub:
Only ONE red tailed black shark per tank, remember! If you want community sharks, go with the silver sharks. Rasboras are beautiful, especially harlequins :D Swordtails or platies provide a riot of colour and make a peaceful community fish. or what about balloon mollies?! Male gouramis can be aggressive when they reach adult size. I like my swordies and my plec best. Go for some catfish too, keep your tank clean for you!

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