WHat should i get


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Nov 15, 2004
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Ok so far for my 55 i have picked out
3-clown loaches
3-Green cories
3-Paleatus cories
4- angelfish
1-flying fox

Ok i know i am heavy on the bottomfeeders but catfish are my favorite,

I want something to add thats free swimming and amazingly active. Nice colors too. I was thinking about Tinfoil barbs. Only 2. Also if i dont get the barbs how many more inches of fish can i have?
if you consider the adult size of these fish, you are pretty much overstocked already
I'd cut the clown loaches. Other than that, it looks like a good tank. If you do that, you should be able to add a small shoal of medium sized tetras if you like, for balance.
Bardbs are my favorite and the can tend to be aggressive when kept in small numbers (fin nipping) get at least 4-5 to keep them happy. You Gotta love those bottom feeders , good luck.
well clown loaches grow slow so i'll keep them for a few years and when the time comes that they get too big i'll either upgrade or sell them to a dealer or LFS. Considering that the clown loaches are small is my tank overstocked.

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