What Should I Do With Him?


Fish Crazy
Sep 22, 2006
Reaction score
Essex, England
I am in a position where one of my tanks has to go, and obviously that includes the fish. I would keep them but I don't have any other tanks where these particular fish can go. One of my favourite little fish, a yellow lab, is one that is going to have to go, but my friend told me to add him to my 40gal, which holds 5 black widow tetras, 5 silver-tipped tetras, 2 gouramis, an angel, a dojo loach & 3 corys. I knew that this wouldn't be possible obviously, but she said that he will be fine. She does keep fish herself, but 2bh i dont think she knows what she is talking about. Am I right? :unsure:

THe yellow lab will be a ticking time bomb with those other fish. He will likely end up ripping them all to shreds one night.
Yellow labs are one of the few malawi's I would consider trying in a community, they are amongst the most peacefull out there, but to be honest it does depend on the individual fish, a yellow lab is nowhere near as much a guaranteed disaster as a male lombardoi :D

Unless your silver tipped tetras are quite large Id expect them to become snacks. I HAVE seen yellow labs breed peacefully in the same tank as angels and have quite often had corys in with them, but I would in no way guarantee sucess, but its not at all impossible.
Well thats something to think about lol!
He is by far the friendliest little fish in my tank, but I still wouldn't want to put any risk to my other fishies..
I'll have to think about that lol, thanks guys


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