I wouldn't worry about microworms too much. I have raised my 50ish bronze cory fry on liquifry liquid and powder, and baby brine shrimp. They are now growing out in a 10 gal aqua one 320 and doing well.
I wouldn't worry about microworms too much. I have raised my 50ish bronze cory fry on liquifry liquid and powder, and baby brine shrimp. They are now growing out in a 10 gal aqua one 320 and doing well.
Your water is probably ok. If there is a male and a female they will breed. Feed them some kind of worms and shrimp when you can.
sounds like plenty. They will love you lots! They just need to "believe" it is safe to raise a family. I suppose something in the conditions triggers the nesting instinct in the female who then releases hormones that trigger the male to stimulate the female.