What Other Fish In A 60L

I just had an idea based on your tank:

(1) Honey Gourami Male (Centerpiece all over the tank)
(7) Neon Tetras (Middle/Bottom dwellers)
(7) Glowlight Tetras (Middle/Bottom dwellers)
(6) Small Corydoras (Bottom dweller clean up crew)
(1) Mystery (Apple) Snail (All over the tank algae control)

Now that's alot more than the 1 inch per gallon rule would suggest, but I wouldn't consider that tank overstocked.

Just make sure your gravel is the rounded stones type so the Corys don't mess up their barbels and you'll be good to go!
My gravel is quite big I think so I cant have the corys and I would rather go with more neons to have a bigger school of them and do you not think it would be good to have 2 female and one male honey? and 7 more neons over a couple of months/weeks? already have some tiny snails mooching about as keep finding small ones and removing them as dont want them destryoing plants. thanks. and the bristle nose is back in the shop tank looking for a new home.

Adding female HoneyG's to the mix might not work out as they're larger than say Tetras & add to the bioload. Also, they need their space or the male will hound them to death. That's why I don't have females with my male Honey G's. Besides, Honey Gouramis are fine by themselves.
what about 2 females as all honeys look the same to me but I might just get 1 male still undecided.
I enjoyed reading all this,couldn't stop laughing at big bad Barry..........poo move....... :D

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