I just had an idea based on your tank:
(1) Honey Gourami Male (Centerpiece all over the tank)
(7) Neon Tetras (Middle/Bottom dwellers)
(7) Glowlight Tetras (Middle/Bottom dwellers)
(6) Small Corydoras (Bottom dweller clean up crew)
(1) Mystery (Apple) Snail (All over the tank algae control)
Now that's alot more than the 1 inch per gallon rule would suggest, but I wouldn't consider that tank overstocked.
Just make sure your gravel is the rounded stones type so the Corys don't mess up their barbels and you'll be good to go!
(1) Honey Gourami Male (Centerpiece all over the tank)
(7) Neon Tetras (Middle/Bottom dwellers)
(7) Glowlight Tetras (Middle/Bottom dwellers)
(6) Small Corydoras (Bottom dweller clean up crew)
(1) Mystery (Apple) Snail (All over the tank algae control)
Now that's alot more than the 1 inch per gallon rule would suggest, but I wouldn't consider that tank overstocked.
Just make sure your gravel is the rounded stones type so the Corys don't mess up their barbels and you'll be good to go!