What other fish can go with a betta in 10 gal


New Member
Jun 28, 2004
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I was considering getting a 10 gal tank for my desk in which I'd keep a betta. What is a good schooling fish or good fish in general to keep with a betta in a tank that size?
I'll jump in with the Cory's pitch before someone else does. 3-5 should be fine.
white cloud minnows are great! they don't bother betta's, and are too fast for the betta to mess with them....they are really small....so i'd say 5-8ish maybe....someone else could tell ya how many you can have...i'm not good with that stuff.

also a small algae eater would be nice...NOT a pleco though...if you get a pleco and put it in a ten gal, and someone on here finds out....you'll be nagged to high heaven! :lol:

i've got a real nice one....a kind that stays pretty dang small. it's called an octo-somethin...i can't pronounce it after the octo....

i've heard alot of people say they have good luck with tetra's and stuff, but that all depends on the attitude of your betta and the tetras....i had surpae(sp?) tetra's with one of my betta's for not too long, and they ate his tail up, he stressed out, and died....all in a VERY short period of time...

some people also have some luck with gourami's....but i think that most people wouldn't recomend it....but like i said with the tetras, it depends on the fish's attitude. some are really nice, and socialable, and some just plain out need a spankin! :flex:

i'm not sure about this, but underwater frogs were on the "tank mate" list with betta's....i've never tried it, and i don't hear too much about it....so maybe some other members could fill you in on something like that.

and last of all, ghost shrimp. very tiny, and very cheap....some people have their betta's end up eating the things...but i don't think that it matters very much seeing that they only cost about 30 cent per shrimp....and if the betta doesn't eat the things, then they can go around tidying up the tank a little for ya!

well...i dunno what else to say...so i hope that helps ya out in makin choices! good luck findin the perfect betta buddy! :D
Weird. I have my betta in with 2 sepraes and they leave him alone! But again..that's all depending on the "personality" of the little guys.

I've come to see that cardinal tetras are nice tankmates as well. My betta doesn't mess with them and they're definatly very pretty and fun to watch!
AFRICAN DWARF FROGS!! Get some...they are awesome, really different and loads of character plus they will get along with the betta. Also get 2 Ottos for algea eating they are dwarf plecos and they do a really good job of cleaning algea
i have mine in with a pleco, platy, and a few mollies and they are fine
I have a betta in with an Otocinclus, two cories and an albino tiger barb (don't think I'm mean to him because he's alone, there were more, but the gold gourami was hungry) and before I gave away the gourami, a gold gourami. The gourami was terrified of the betta. The tiger barb is too fast for the betta and the cories swim all over the betta and he doesn't mind. The oto doesn't care about the betta or vice versa. I guess to conclude, it depends on the personality of the fish.

I am definetely siding with Corys, Ottos, Shrimp and WMC.

The Clouds get on fine with the Bettas

Ottos would be good for cleaning and Some Shrimp are good.

I have a Bamboo Shrimp in the Community Tank and Nothing Bothers Him.
In my experience, African Dwarf Frogs are perfect tank mates for bettas. The frogs are so lazy that they don't bother the betta at all. I don't know how other fish (besides mollies) do with the frogs though. I don't know if the other fish might try to pick on them...but bettas themselves leave the frogs alone, and the frogs leave them alone. They make a great match. Lots of personality in both. :D
Hi bigphesta :)

I keep a few bettas in my cory tanks and find that they make an excellent combination. The bettas live on top and the corys on the bottom. I seem to find the bettas very interested in what the corys are doing, and have even found them in the cory caves with them. :lol:

African Dwarf Frogs are good companions for the bettas too. If you get them you will have to have a good cover for the tank, with no openings that they could escape from. They are jumpers an great escape artists. Here's a link with lots of information about them and their larger relatives the African Clawed Frogs:


The most important thing is to know which one you see at the lfs. :D

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