What Of My Current Stock Would Be Compatiable With A Gt?

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Fish Herder
Jun 4, 2009
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My 100 gallon is currently stocked with

3 x Severum (1 x Gold,1 x Turquoise,1 x Banded,heros efasciatus)
1 x Female Kribensis (Pelvicachromis pulcher)
1 x Green Acara (Aequidens coeruleopunctatus)
1 x Rainbow Cichlid (Herotilapia multispinosa)
1 x Pearl Eartheater (Geophagus brasiliensis)
2 x Angel Fish (1 x Koi,1 x Black,Pterophyllum scalare)
1 x Blue Gourami (Trichogaster trichopterus)
1 x Firemouth Cichlid (Thorichthys meeki)
1 x Sail fin Plec (Glyptoperichthys gibbiceps)
3 x bosemani rainbowfish (Melanotaenia boesemani)
3 x Red Rainbowfish (Glossolepis incisus)
3 x Clown Loach (Chromobotia macracanthus)

Which of these could i keep if I ever decide to get my self a Gold Saum Green Terror?

No plans to at the moment but I'm thinking about it in the fututre because I think they are beautiful :)

I have seen alot of people keeping them with Yellow Labs which looks cool but obviously not ideal due to water parameters and stuff.
Ive never kept a GT, but my mate had a 'similar' tank and stock list to yours, not the same by no means but similar fish and quantitys. He added a GT after about 2 years and it was fine till the fish was about 12 months old and it just started destroying everything one by one.

The only thing he left alone was a pleco.

Not saying it would be the same for you, but they can be really nasty!

Yeah thats what i heard,i did say this in another thread and got flamed for calling them nasty so just hoping other people give me some point of views on them,obviously i wouldnt be planning on keeping all my fish with them :p

Would like to keep my pearl,Loaches,Acara,Firemouth and Sevs tho
Well Im currently keeping mine (3") with severums, birchir, daemons (which need rehoming for their sake) Oscar, ghost knife and nicaraguese. I rehomed the Fm for his own good, one of the severums also purely on space sake.

Get one young and you may or may not have problems, its impossible to say what will work and what wont, its entirely down to the individuals temprement, some GT's are indeed terrors, otherwise they wouldnt have gotten the name or the rep they have, on the other hand, Ive seen people keep them with success with other large cichlids with no problems at all.

Clearly the larger the tank the better, but its all trial and error Im afraid. Im prepared for problems, I realise I may lose fish before I can stop it happening, but I also have the capacity to move fish around or indeed get another tank purely for the GT alone.
The local watermarque in Yeovil sells Gold Saums like your minxy for £6 for 4-5" specimens only,the rest of the tank looks like Silver Saums and Rivaltus (sp?) which are much smaller for the same price but not so interested in them as tehy are nowhere near as pretty as Gold Saums.

So is that to big to start off with?

I think this is more of a future thing than a 'do now thing' anyways,im just curious :)
We have a gold saum GT, tank mates are

adult sev male
Geophagus brasiliensis female
4 cutteri 1 m 3 f
1 firemouth m
1 sajica m
1 rainbow cichlid
pair krib
1 sailfin pleco
7 silver dollars

Have had the GT for over a year, never had any problems. We are aware this could change but so far so good! Only issues were the krib standing his ground over territory but GT always backed down. More recently (past 4 months) has stood up to krib, but no aggressiveness, just facing off :lol: Obviously putting them in when smaller will help, as I'm sure you know :)

Point to beware of (different fish I know) I had a 5" texas cichlid who was great for ages, then one day he just turned on everyone, we took him back to lfs. Shame cos he was stunning fish.

I'd say go for it but have a contingency plan in case it all goes wrong - as minxfishy said, ultimately it is down to the individual fish. Oh, also I think ours is female, which may or may not have something to do with temperament. Males are better looking however :hey:

HTH :good:
They tend (to my knowledge) start to become aggressive around 6", so obviousy the younger you can get one the better, mine came to me a couple of weeks back at 2" (ish) and has grown 1" already in that time, he doesnt seem to bother anyone at present, cept the Oscar, who is growing at a far quicker rate than him, nothing serious, but they occupy the same water level at feeding time, whereas the others all bottom feed as such, these two are the only ones who eat from the surface, so there is a tussle for food. The only real trouble maker is currently my female Nic, who has grown very aggressive in the last week and I fear for her when the GT grows, as Im sure if she tries anything then, he will attack back.

Obviously stuffing a 10" in a tank and expecting it to get on is asking for trouble.

Ive been thru this before though, I had a Texas Cichlid, who was the most placid until he hit 5", then very nearly took out a previous Oscar of mine (who I rehomed for his own sake) and ended up having to put the Tex into a tank alone (aside from the ghost knife whom he loved until 8") because he wouldnt tolerate other fish, particulary cichlids. Its the nature of cichlids, which I again found out to my cost yesterday, you never know how they will get on, or when, if previously happy co-existing will suddenly turn.
So going through my list of fish,who would be a 'Yes,Maybe' and a 'no way'?

Hey Minxy i was just thinking that you could probably get away with your GT in your 53g if you run into to many problems....it sounds bad but I might wait and see how your venture turns out,since you did it first :) lol

My Firemouth is the current nuisance of my tank, i had 2 but gave one away because they were beating everything up, he hates my Rainbow cichlid but im to attached to him to get rid.

Are dithers a no-no with GTs? as in Rainbow fish?
3 x Severum - lose 2 then YES
1 x Female Kribensis - NO
1 x Green Acara IMO - NO
1 x Rainbow Cichlid - NO
1 x Pearl Eartheater - Possibly
2 x Angel Fish - NO
1 x Blue Gourami - NO
1 x Firemouth Cichlid - NO, thats why I rehomed mine
1 x Sail fin Plec - Yes
3 x bosemani rainbowfish - No
3 x Red Rainbowfish - No
Clown Loaches - Unsure

If I had to I could move him to the 53, but I would risk my rainbows, who frankly couldnt withstand a GT attack, I dont think they are good dithers for GT,s they just arent fast enough.
I meant move your Rainbows back into your main display,then youll be pretty much where you started but have a GT wet pet tank,just a option :)

I'm planning on 2 Sevs eventually, I was never happy with my Green/Turq and just seeing what my little greedy 1" Sev turns into.

Do you think that will be to crowded for the GT with 2 Sevs then?
Yeah but the rainbows could end up an Oscar snack, so that wouldnt work, plus its not large enough long term for a GT.

You might be ok with 2 sev's, but Ive got the O as well, so I want them all to have enough space.
Forgot about your oscar! my bad.

So a Green or Blue Acara wouldnt work with a GT?
They can hybridize, so not a good idea, plus a placid (ish) acara would be mincemeat if a GT took a disliking to it. Obviously people do keep them together or the hybrids wouldnt come about.
3 x Severum - lose 2 then YES
1 x Female Kribensis - NO
1 x Green Acara IMO - NO
1 x Rainbow Cichlid - NO
1 x Pearl Eartheater - Possibly
2 x Angel Fish - NO
1 x Blue Gourami - NO
1 x Firemouth Cichlid - NO, thats why I rehomed mine
1 x Sail fin Plec - Yes
3 x bosemani rainbowfish - No
3 x Red Rainbowfish - No
Clown Loaches - Unsure

I agree with you Minx,
Appart from clowns should be fine if the tanks got plenty of nooks for them to get into.
Gt's are lovely fish, whos temperment is dependant on the individual.
My First was really aggressive and mean,
but most have been terrortorial but, peaceful.

Infact my old breeder male was just an oscar inside a Gt's body.
There are a heap of vids on youtube of gt's in varying cichlid communities ie. with firemouths, convicts, nics, jags, jewels etc.

gl with the fish, I'm planning to get one soon too.

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