I’m about to set up a 40 Gallon Breeder. This is a composite list of what I want in the tank. AqAdvisor says it’s alright, but I’m unsure, since it seems like a lot of fish. The filter will be 225 GPH and a canister filter. The tank will probably be somewhere around a slightly acid neutral when set up, since I’m putting driftwood and Indian Almond Leaves in it, but probably not super low. Also, I’m unsure how much bioload Kuhli Loaches produce (Since they’re so skinny), so I didn’t count them in the inch-per-gallon stocking. Here’s the tank. Basically, just say what needs to go. This is by no means a static thing.
-6x Kuhli Loach
-3x Honey Gourami
-15x Neocardina “Skittles” Pack Shrimp
-10x Neon Tetra (May be changed to Cardinal or Green Neon)
-6x Guppy (All male, to avoid breeding)
-5x Platy (All female, to avoid breeding)
-5x Dainty Cory
-5x Amano Shrimp
-2x African Dwarf Frog (Tank will have wide open space and broad leafed plants, so it won’t be hard to come to the surface. There will be some Amazon Frogbit and Duckweed on the surface of the tank, though.)
-6x Kuhli Loach
-3x Honey Gourami
-15x Neocardina “Skittles” Pack Shrimp
-10x Neon Tetra (May be changed to Cardinal or Green Neon)
-6x Guppy (All male, to avoid breeding)
-5x Platy (All female, to avoid breeding)
-5x Dainty Cory
-5x Amano Shrimp
-2x African Dwarf Frog (Tank will have wide open space and broad leafed plants, so it won’t be hard to come to the surface. There will be some Amazon Frogbit and Duckweed on the surface of the tank, though.)