What Livebearer Is Right For Me?

If you have a fish store that will take your fry, then get 1 male and 2 females, it's really fun to see the babies :)

See if you can find a Gold twin bar platy! I just got one and she's soooooo pretty!

+1 or a Solar Flare Twinbar PLaty....they looks like the golds only they are pink!!
Pink! Wow. I'll have to see what the lfs shop stock think its just a tankful of platys
Think I'm going to the lfs tomorrow as I need some filter carbon, so ill let you know if I get any fish!
This is a Solar Flare Twinbar swordtail. Ive seen the color variation in platys as well, so subtract the sword and you get a general idea of what the platy would look like

This is a Solar Flare Twinbar swordtail. Ive seen the color variation in platys as well, so subtract the sword and you get a general idea of what the platy would look like

O_O Pink swordtail! Wish I had one like that.
The only color variations I've had were:

- black berlin (the ones that have white underneath and their scales change from black to green, yellow and blue depending on light and angle you see them), my current one has red fins so that makes him a living rainbow. LOL.
- Orange (very transparent, could see the females' babies in them)
- Transparent but with orange fins
- Transparent but with black tail
- Red with black tail
- Red with yellow tail
- Blood-red (with red eyes, the one I have now)
- Transparent with a black stripe (I didn't like this one much and I even thought she was a female guppy due to her size).
RamboFish, any of the common livebearers are very easy to sex. We have a description at the top of this section of our forum that tells you exactly how to do it, with pictures. You can find it here. Be advised that some people have trouble keeping mollies because their water is not the liquid rock that I get from my water faucets. If you have soft water, avoid the pet shop mollies. Of platies and swordtails, the platies are available in a larger variety of colors and they can be kept in somewhat smaller tanks than swordtails. Swordtails make zebra danios look sluggish and they need some space to move around. They also tend to be jumpers so a close fitting lid is essential.
Thanks oldman. I think I have hardish water, but when what everyones said im thinking platys sound good and fairly easy.

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