What kind of shrimp is this?


Supporting Member
Fish of the Month 🌟
Mar 1, 2023
Reaction score
Houston, TX
I was sold ammono shrimp but it doesn't look like pictures I find on the web. Is this ammano shrimp? I really like the stripe down the middle!

I'm intently following this thread as I caught one exactly the same from the creek the other day and it is currently sitting in my (otherwise empty) big aquarium. I'm scared to put fish in with it though, as I've read horror stories about wild shrimp eating fish... I can say, however, that that is NOT an amano shrimp.

At the same time, we also caught a few of these (not my pic...)... they went strait in the pond.
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If it's an consolation, I have 4 small guppy fry and 1 larger guppy fry in the tank right now for about a week and no issues. And the tank is a 5 gallon. And I don't usually see the shrimp, it hides in the foliage.
Ok, so I had bought a few shrimp but only ever saw one of them since I put them in the tank. I just saw one of the other ones and it's def an ammno. So I just got some random kind when them I guess.
It's a color morph of Neocaridina davidi, I have several that are similarly colored

Most commonly sold as "red cherry shrimp"
Seriously? That’s pretty cool that I have a wild red cherry shrimp in my tank… I actually like that morph a bunch more than the regular one :)! If you got the number of amanos that were in your order, maybe they just added that as a bonues…
I did a little more searching and couldn't find any cherry shrimp in pictures like the ones we have with the stripe on it. Looks like this is actually a bamboo shrimp.
Looks kinda like this… I have like 30 mature Armano shrimp in this tank… of course I couldn’t find one with a wider stripe, but there are some in here…
After some research…

1. I answered my own question, it’s not harmful to fish and is more likely to be harassed by them
2. I doubt mine is a bamboo shrimp (yours might be). It is more likely called something called a ‘riffle shrimp’, which are Australian natives and are basically the same. I suspect this as it is both a native and we have strict import laws around bamboo shrimp, and therefore it is very unlikely it was a invasive shrimp.
3. These things (bamboo and riffle) seem pretty difficult to care for and am panicking a bit now. They are rated ‘expert only’ as they need finely crushed food (enough not to starve and not too much so the leftovers add ammonia) and are very sensitive to water Paramentes. I’m considering releasing it back into the creek, as the last thing I want to do is kill the poor thing. Thoughts?
Are bamboo shrimp harmful? Becuase I just put it in with the fish...
Yourfish are safe. Bamboo shrimp are filter feeders. they feed off of algae and food floating in the water. To do that they will seat for a place with the highest water flow were they can filter out the food parcels from the water. They don't have claws. The claws instead are small filters that collect the particles in the water. A tank full of green water is probably ideal for them but I don't know the water conditions needed togrreen water algae to dominate.
My African vampire shrimp is also a filter feeder… mine is waving around like crazy, because I just fed a brine shrimp cube… I crush the cubes up with my fingers, into dust, and they are carried around in the current, where everything eats them… seems funny to feed shrimp to shrimp, but the fish, and Armano and Vampire shrimp go crazy for them

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