What Kind Of Pleco?


Fish Crazy
Mar 19, 2013
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i'm having a little bit of an algae problem and i wanted to get something to suck it off, so i was wandering if anybody new of a good and cheap pleco that i could get. my price rang is about $8. thanks! :)
a fish will not solve an algae problem.....thats you job, not the fishes job
don't they clean the algae off? i have never really kept them so i wouldn't know. :p
az9 said:
don't they clean the algae off? i have never really kept them so i wouldn't know.
depends on the species, not all plecos eat algae
but you would be better off finding out what is causing so much algae
You could buy some live plants which would help because they compete with the algae for nutrients in the water.
If you wanted a pleco a good basic one is the bristlenose pleco, or, you could buy a group of otocinclus. I think the oto's need/like a group of six and the bristlenose can be on it's own. :)
Both of these species need driftwood in their tank as they like to munch on it and it helps keep them healthy!
Hope this helps! :)
i have 2 BN in my tank but i agree with mikey they will not rid the bba completely you need to find the problem if you want it gone

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