What Kind Of Eggs Are These?

I would cut that bit of plant off and put it in a tub of water somewhere warmish and see what hatchs.
I'm liking these answers a little better. I guess I'll keep them and see what comes about.
ye plz do, as their not an common snail eggs that I've seen befor.
I'll bet on your 5% unsurity then. I had them al over my tank, when I bought 1 plant from P@H. was a real problem until Mr Betta discovered their taste. The were most definately clear blb of jelly with white dots.

I also have ramshorns and trumpets now, thanks to an ebay plant put as yet have not seen their eggs.

Since Mr Betta found them in addition to me removing the hatched snails. there doesn't seem to be a problem anymore, and the trumpet snails are quite cool.

Not so keen on the ramshorns because when they are presses up against the glass at the top and the light shines through them they look like a huge mite or something until you get them out.
Thanks for the ideas. I've got them in a tupperware container in my tank. Hopefully no new hatches will make it into the tank water.

Apple snails eggs are put outside in the air on the underside of the tank lid. I would assume that they are from fish and not snails. Because i believe snails lay eggs out of the water.... I could be wrong. Whoever the eggs belong to are u keeping the water as clean as possible so no fungus grows on it? Let us know wat they are, when/if they hatch
this is so exciting what could they be

to be honest imo they dont look like any snail eggs ive seen

fingers crossed there something good

i believe snails lay eggs out of the water

Apple snails are one of only a few that lay the eggs out of water, most will lay the eggs on jelly like clumps under leafs and on the glass and rocks, some give birth to tiny snails as well, I've never seen a snail egg like the 1st pic, which I've already said a couple of times here.

The eggs remind me of something like butter fly eggs, which made me think they could be an insect or something.
Thanks for the interest people. I'm changing the water daily now, waiting for the things to hatch. Hopefully they aren't insects, because if they become airborne...well...that would make my day.
They are defiantly not apple snail eggs. Apples snail eggs are red and pink, and yes most snails lay their eggs outside of water so that fish can't get to them. When the eggs hatch, the new born snails fall into the water. However some snails like ramshorn and pond snails do lay their eggs inside the water.
Ooo so exciting! Keep us posted on them! I can't wait to see what they turn out to be.. if they hatch at all that is :)
I cant get pics of clutches of eggs I have in my tank.. but they look almost exactly the same..

They're a larger species of pond snails.. not the small type.. but not as big as apple snails..

Maybe thats what you got.. who knows
any news on these yet ??


There's no need for news these are defo pond snail/mystery/pest snails eggs identical to the ones my Betta loves. They are not laid above the water's surface, but on the substrate, on the filter casing, on leaves, ANYWHERE, and my Betta now feasts on them, especially on fast days.
I told you all ages ago, when I get a better camera I will show you all. lol

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