What Kind Of Dogs Do You Have/have Had?


Fish Crazy
Jan 19, 2009
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I don't post here much, but I saw no topic dedicated to dogs... so why not make one! :D

I have a Sheltie, Timmy. He is going on 13 years old. I had him since before Kindergarten, and I'm at the end of my Sophomore year in high school.

Before Timmy, we had a miniature poodle, Tony, who died at the age of 12 when I was only 4. :( Old age really hurt him; he was completely blind from cataracts, had epilepsy, and had kidney problems. :( I have no photos of him; the only memories of him are in some old home videos...
I have a bassett hound called Flash hes 4 now and I love him to bits even though he stinks!!!


Me and my first poodle sandy



my second poodle pip

who sadly passed away 20.01.2006

My Current poodle Pepi will be 4 in October

the first photo is from the people who owned him before us



looking after the kids - PICTURES NOT taken 2004 - taken 2008 - just hubby didnt redo date on camera





being spoilt by Lacy

I love everybodies doggys so far!

I currently have a cute little 8 year old mutt named Dexter. He is part Lhasa-apso and part maltees.


This was Chloe our shih-tzu. She was so fun, I loved her. She died when she was 5 due to nurological problems.


Here is a picture of them together.

My first dog was a golden retriever that I got for my 10th birthday. She lived until she was just over 17.

We have 6 dogs now. These are my 4. The two Borders are Milo 6 and his son Badger 3. Little Rusty is a rescue Australian Terrier and is now approx 15. Then at the bottom is Bella another rescue who's 8 now. Not sure what mix she is but definately has whippet or greyhound in her.


Then we have Bronzecat's (hubby) 2. They are in the middle. Trek the collie is also a rescue and is 9yrs old and Popsy is a JR cross and is nearly 11.


All of them have competed in dog agility except Rusty and the two borders we have shown quite successfully and qualified for crufts two years running.

ps....Pip, I just love your pics :D
Well, i dont believe i have any photos of my two, greyhounds, both blue. however i will try and post some pictures of them soon. zack, the biggest, is a lurcher, which is basicly any dog crossed with any hound (eg it can be bloodhound, whippet, greyhound ect.) he is mixed with some suluki, and bordor collie, however he looks exactly like a greyhound, just with a curlyish tail from the suluki. his personality is simular to a collie.

breeze is a pure greyhound, pretty shy, scared of fly's.
Ive got this thing :lol: my special little thing

used to have a rough collie (lassie to those who dont know) and a cairn too.
i used to have a sheltie named Skip...he passed away....

now i have a hyper rescued mutt thing named Major
I have a yellow lab, Nikka. She was supposed to be a service dogs to children with autism, but had some health issues, so she flunked out & we got to keep her. Now she looks after all the other pups that come through our house during their training.


I grew up with Poodles,all 3 sizes and Dalmatians,I showed mini poodles untill 1998 when we won best puppy in breed at crufts.
I stopped showing poodles soon after due to arthritis and not being able to do the clipping any longer but still have 1 poodle.
I lost my last Dalmatian in 2008 aged 15 yrs
I have had mini and standard dachshunds since 2002 and now have quite a few of them :rolleyes: I also have a newfoundland who is def ruled by the daxies

Ohh and I sort of inherited a Border terrier who is 2 yrs old now
i have 2 staffys dipsy and roobee will try to put pics up later :good:
lovin all the pics so far especially rocky and modazs dogs though im biased pip your pics are great too
scot :)
I still count Bella as being my bay though she is actually my mums baby and since i moved out, i dont see so much of her, though still see her every week (she loves me more now than ever because i always bring her treats!).

Bella is a lurcher rescues from The Dog Trust in Newbury. They had a litter of 7 puppies who were 10 weeks old, all were named after the 7 dwarves and Bella was 'Happy'. She is a Greyhound x Border Collie, we think she might have saluki in her history because her tail is sooo long and curls up. She is also incredibly intelligent (the collie part!) and very obedient, after having her about 6 weeks she had learnt to sit, stay, walk to heel on and off lead, come when called, 'paw' and 'high five' because i felt like it! and now she is nearly 3!!

Lurchers as opposed to being any 'hound' cross breed (as the other poster said) is any 'sight hound', so Deerhound, Wolfhound, Greyhound, Saluki, Whippet and Afghan Hound, not dogs like blood hounds and besset hounds etc.

Here is Bella at 13 weeks old the day we picked her up



And here is Bella in the last year so 2yrs old and upwards to 2.5

"Dead Dog"

"Flooded Puddle Racing"

"####? Its Super Dog!"

And last but not least.... as this is what she is doing right this second....


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