What kind of cat?


Fish Crazy
May 23, 2005
Reaction score
ON, Canada
I'm just looking at my options for a bottom dweller, and I need the advice of all you experts over here ;) What kind of bottom dwelling fish could I get? I'm hoping to upgrade my tank to a 30gallon before the end of summer, so suggestions don't have to be jjust for my ten gallon. I think cories are okay, but evvverryybbbooddyyy has some, and I'd like something maybe different. I like the looks of Otos, and the Upside down catfish! I know all those need to be in shoals, which I might not have room for now, but for later on...I also really need something that could eat leftover bits as well, I don't have any algea that i know of , lol.
unfortunately there isn't much more that could go on the bottom besides cories...otos aren't really bottom feeders so i wouldn't include those...most synodontis species (upside down cat, etc) get 4-6" so you could probably get away with 1 or 2, but they do grow very fast (my syno. eup started about 1/2" and has grown to over 4" in the last year).....have you thought about getting some shrimp possibly? i think with cories and shrimp on the bottom it would be very fun to watch....

keep in mind there are many species of cories and i dont think you should completely disregard an entire species because everyone else has them....fact is everyone has most of the fish you will find in the pet stores...and the reason cories are so popular is due to their small size and extremly active/playful personalites...

i'm sure others will have some suggestions, but most catfish get big and produce a lot of waste for their size...so even in a 30 gallon tank, it will eventually take up most of the bottom IMO
The majority of people may have corys but there are hundreds of rare corys that you can bet only 1 or 2 people have on this forum.
If its only going to be short term, 3 half grown khuli loachs would be ok for a tank that size :thumbs: .
I don't know much about them...lol...I might just go with cories in the end, because I know my Lfs has them, and I'm sure after I see them in action, I'll like them more. What is the hardiest type? I've heard "pandas" arent as hardy. Can I have a trio in my tank as of now? The barbs are tiny lol, my Platy is bigger! :rofl:
from my experience and what i've read...peppered cories are one of the most hardy out there...as are bronze cories....you are right, pandas are sensitive, but they do stay smaller than other cories...there are also pygmy cories out there that stay small... i would get at least 4 of whatever cory you are looking into...and maybe even 6 if you KNOW you will be upgrading within a couple months
I've everything I need for the bigger tank lol, except the tank itself...which is around $40...I havent a job, but i work occasionally with my friend, which could make me enough in 3 shifts. I know either this summer, or my birthday (october1st) I will be getting a bigger tank. But i think I will still go with a trio, just incase something does come up, and then I'm stuck with an overstocked tank. So peppered and bronze...hmm Are there spotted ones? I'm sure i saw some with spots, but it could be another fish as well...thanks for the help, I'll update when I go get something...
i would still go 4 even if you aren't upgrading...just because they will like the extra company and one fish isn't gonna add too much to the bioload...

yes there are spotted ones...there are striped ones, albino, patched, colored, not colored, everything you can imagine...take a look at this site..


if you look hard enough you will probably find a lot of these species at pet stores around you..

hope that helps a little!
Hi squishibabe,

I would go with habrosus corys if you can find them, they are also sometime known as fairy corys. They grow a bit bigger than pygmys but IMO are a lot cuter and still only grow half the size of regular corys like pepper etc. You could fit around 5-6 easily in a ten gallon if you don't have loads of other fish.

Hope this helps


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