What kind of camera do you have?

Good luck with your camera! ;)

Personally, I am going to bid (also on eBay) a used Canon G3. Price seem very decent compare to a new G5 and quality-wise, they are almost the same... ;)
If I could afford that I probably would have bought the one that Sir & Lady Minion use. :)

But, I can't so I settled for the next best thing I could find. At least it has a night shot no flash mode. :)
It does a better job then some of ours. :)

My little old Kodak DC 3200 (soon to passed "UP" to my Dad :lol:) doesn't take anywhere near that. And press the shutter expect a 3 second delay before the shutter actually moves. :/

Good for him, bad for me and my fish.
I have a Fuji FinePix S5700, and i absolutely love it. Its a cheaper end camera that is capable of taking great pics

Some pics taken ~I do use the macro feature mostly



Night shots

I'm pretty amateur with a camera, however I am beginning to take some fairly decent shots as of late. I use a Nikon D60 DSLR, pretty much sums up all I need from a camera, I think its 10.1MegaPixels.

Here's a photo I have taken of my White male Convict Cichlid:


Well whilst this post is alive will add a little to it.

At the current time I have a Nikon D2X D-SLR and a D100 D-SLR. One for the good stuff, one for taking snowboarding etc so I don't mind it getting knocked about a bit, and also have a little pocket 10MP Samsung.

I am lucky in that I have had the opportunity to try/test lots of cameras and would offer the following advice.
1) You get what you pay for.
2) If you want a D-SLR then go with Nikon, Canon, Olympus, Pentax, there are other good cameras out there but these have proved to be robust, and have access to a much greater range of Lenses etc and a far more buoyant 2nd hand market. Add Fuji to the list as many of their D-SLRs use the standard Nikon F-mount. This mount is compatible with every camera and lense manufactured since 1942 by Nikon, many other companies change mounts etc every few years.
3) Only an SLR will give a truly instant shutter release without the processing pause before the picture takes on most compact cameras.
4) If buying a compact look at the Optical zoom figure, higher the better, Digital zoom is not the same and image will degrade the more you use the digital zoom.
5) IMO avoid makes like Sony, who frequently change connector types, fittings, software compatibility, although they now use Carl Zeiss lenses, this is really only a marketing ploy as these lenses are still only on par with pentax, canon etc it doesnt offset the built in low shelf life.

Ok thats a few thoughts not looking to start a row over cameras, however if anyone wants any advice on purchase or photo taking feel free to PM me and I shall endeavour to help.

Heres a shot taken with the D2X fitted with a Nikon wide angle VR lens. This is not the ideal set up, lens is pretty unsuitable, no macro and taken with only 40w of light on a very high ISO setting, editing wise white/black was balanced and size was edited, no other editing, will post some nicer shots when my macro lens and flash unit comes back from loan.
Ive got a really great camera and macro lens but hardly ever use it and i dont get the best out of it when I do. :sick:

heres is one decent pic i took ages ago

*L* Thats because i didnt look at when it was last posted to.

I followed a similar threads link at the bottom of another thread

Doesn't really matter anyway, people are still interested in talking about there cameras it seems :)
"Jim Curtis" said:
Alasse sets the record for oldest thread bump at over 5 years old! Congrats!

And your point is?

For newer members, I think this thread is still relevant.

At the moment I use a Fuji Finepix AB20 compact. It's ok but not brilliant.
I use a Nikon D50, they don't make them anymore, but there are many god alternatives such as the D60, 80 or 90

These pics were taken with my camera My Flickr

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