What kind of betta did I buy?


Fish Herder
Jun 25, 2004
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I picked up a Betta which was sold under the name "Cambodian Betta". It has short fins and a large massive head. It has a snout like bill were his mouth is. Any ideas. Sorry I don't have access to a camera.
He looks something like this:


Although his head is the largest/widest part of his body.
How do you differentiate a plakat from a female betta?
ral said:
How do you differentiate a plakat from a female betta?
Well since you said "he" I assumed you knew yours to be a male (our walmart puts male and female on the cups but the lfs doesn't). As far as telling a male plakat from a female plakat, I don't know-I think the females just have smaller tails :dunno: . But to tell a male plakat from a female veiltail I think you have to look with their tail fin more extended. A plakat's rays will branch on about every ray but a veiltail will branch on one or less.
Well I was told "he" was a male cambodian, but it was a small petshop and now I am starting to wonder. :unsure:

Thanks for the tip on the tail, but I think I am too much of a newbie to figure that one out. :S :dunno:

Any other "tests"?
look for an egg spoit on his belly, if its not there its a male, and also cambodians are userally red with smale blue or green in them a color description of ur betta would be nice?
Not much of a betta person, myself. Perhaps testing to see if he(?) flares? You should get an answer in that other topic...

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