What is your favourite fish you own? (Or have owned)

Although I love my Cories, my Cherry Barbs have unexpectedly earned my adoration. They have such spunky personalities, and are very outgoing. They act like they're tough until they interact with another fish, and then they're immediately wimps. It's incredibly amusing to watch them be scared off by an unaware Cory. I love how they beg for food, too. Instead of getting frenzied or desperately begging, they swim up to the glass and just expectantly watch me like "Hey, Dry God. You gonna feed us or what?"
I guess I have too many favourite fish such as Apistogramma species, Discus, Betta(half moon).

But at the moment, my favourite is the Panther crab that is fully aquatic.

My second favourite is the White socks Sulawesi shrimps. They way they eat algae are like someone dancing while wearing white socks.
Blue Stream Goby - Wife bought it against my advice but it is very playful, and does better than any pleco for keeping the algae down.
German Blue Rams - Personable fish with beautiful coloring
Female Bettas - I don't care too much about the coloration but super friendly fish
Angels - Can be difficult with co-species behavior but very personable fish.

If the fish have to be pushed away when working in the aquarium I will like them. For me fish that interact with me rather than hide are more interesting.
Now that is awesome, I'm quite jealous as I love red line cleaner shrimp even though they're mainly cleanup crew they still look great in my opinion!
Shrimp shouldn't be considered a clean up crew because they have a high metabolism and eat a lot. My 2 were in their own tank and would eat their own body weight in food each day. They were fed 3 times a day and just pigged out. It's quite incredible the amount of food they can put away.
My favorite fish that I have right now is probably either my Electric Blue Acara, my Cory Hastatus, or my betta. Or maybe my bloodfin tetras or my pleco...... I adore all my fish I can’t choose a favorite!!! :lol:

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