What is your favourite fish you own? (Or have owned)


Jan 31, 2021
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United Kingdom
Hi everyone,
I posted the opposite thread "what fish do you regret buying?" almost two months ago now and I though I'd ask the opposite question to spark conversation with everyone :)
Favourite fish I own right now are my two gold severums and my heckelii, I love how gracious the severums swim and how intelligent they seem to be for a fish which is awesome! My heckelii are so beautiful and I love the way they stare at me whenever I watch them and come up to the glass it always puts a smile on my face haha!
Favourite fish I've owned in the past has to be a red tail shark I had when I was a kid who grew to be around 5 inches and was full of activity!
Odessa's are my favourite fish ive kept so far. Beautiful colouration and a lovely active nature.

Severums are lovely, i can see why you like them so much. Ive been considering them lately for a new set up im doing but i do like my plants lol so i might have to give them a miss this time around :)
This is an unfair question. How can I possibly choose?

On one hand, I adore my pictus cats. They're sleek and beautiful and so energetic. Nowadays, they'll take food directly from my hand but have no qualms about chasing down the occasional live treat.

I know some people find them generic and boring (maybe because they're so popular) but I'm also very fond of my betta, Dmitri. His burning hatred for all of existence is charming. I've had to overplant his tank in an effort give the shrimp some cover and assuage the constant stress of fighting his own reflection. He regularly jumps inches out of the water to bite my fingers while I feed him. Dmitri may hate me but I love the little monster.
the best fish i've had is the vampire tang, great fish and character (sorry i know it's marine)

do love clown loaches though, even if they are prone to getting white spot and get to a big size. the only draw back with them is they live for years and prob would outlast me at the mo. lol
While this may be a boring response I really do have to say that it was one of the first fish I ever bought, a pure white Angel fish. I bought it when I was about 12 years old back in the mid 90's and it was one of the most friendly fish I've ever kept, unlike the other angels I kept that were pretty aggressive.

It would swim around my arm when I was maintaining the tank and it was always the first by the glass whenever I was near the tank. It was likely nothing more than recognising the source of food, but as a youngster it felt like we had a connection.

Either way that fish cemented my love for the hobby and aside from a short period where I went to university at the other side of the country I've had almost 26 years caring for fish because of it.
Odessa's are my favourite fish ive kept so far. Beautiful colouration and a lovely active nature.

Severums are lovely, i can see why you like them so much. Ive been considering them lately for a new set up im doing but i do like my plants lol so i might have to give them a miss this time around :)
Ooo good choice!

Yeah I can't get over them lol, To be honest so far they've been fine with my anubias, they only every so often bite into the jarva ferns aswell it's more my fountain plant that gets the most attacked and even then it's doing fine but I think because my sevs still aren't fully grown yet they're being nice to me and my plants but I reckon as soon as they hit 6-7 inches I'm going to eat these words ?
This is an unfair question. How can I possibly choose?

On one hand, I adore my pictus cats. They're sleek and beautiful and so energetic. Nowadays, they'll take food directly from my hand but have no qualms about chasing down the occasional live treat.

I know some people find them generic and boring (maybe because they're so popular) but I'm also very fond of my betta, Dmitri. His burning hatred for all of existence is charming. I've had to overplant his tank in an effort give the shrimp some cover and assuage the constant stress of fighting his own reflection. He regularly jumps inches out of the water to bite my fingers while I feed him. Dmitri may hate me but I love the little monster.
I agree with pictus cats! They are beautiful and I just wish I had a setup that could house some but maybe in the future!

Hahaha I love the sounds of you're little monster betta who probably thinks he's an arowana jumping out of the water like that haha!
the best fish i've had is the vampire tang, great fish and character (sorry i know it's marine)

do love clown loaches though, even if they are prone to getting white spot and get to a big size. the only draw back with them is they live for years and prob would outlast me at the mo. lol
Marine fish are fine to include! Definetely not jealous that you've owned a vampire tang..

Clown loaches are the sweetest little (not little at all) souls and I love how they play with each other and actually lie down to sleep haha
Not a fish but my favorite shrimp were red line cleaner shrimp (Lysmata amboinensis), They used to crawl all over my hand when I was cleaning the tank and they would take food from my fingers. They weren't shy :)
Now that is awesome, I'm quite jealous as I love red line cleaner shrimp even though they're mainly cleanup crew they still look great in my opinion!
While this may be a boring response I really do have to say that it was one of the first fish I ever bought, a pure white Angel fish. I bought it when I was about 12 years old back in the mid 90's and it was one of the most friendly fish I've ever kept, unlike the other angels I kept that were pretty aggressive.

It would swim around my arm when I was maintaining the tank and it was always the first by the glass whenever I was near the tank. It was likely nothing more than recognising the source of food, but as a youngster it felt like we had a connection.

Either way that fish cemented my love for the hobby and aside from a short period where I went to university at the other side of the country I've had almost 26 years caring for fish because of it.
Not boring at all! Now thats a true fishkeepers story right there! One of my first fish were angels aswell and they kicked off my love for cichlids! I wouldve loved to have met this beautiful white angel of yours bless it sounds great!
bettas, 100% i don't have any now, though.... idk, i'm gonna get some angelfish and cichlids soon so mabye they will be my fav soon :thumbs::fish::flex::shifty:
Bettas are beautiful! Cichlids yep all the way are my favourite fish of all time because everything about them is perfect! Which cichlids were you thinking?
I agree with pictus cats! They are beautiful and I just wish I had a setup that could house some but maybe in the future!

Hahaha I love the sounds of you're little monster betta who probably thinks he's an arowana jumping out of the water like that haha!
Dmitri used to belong to a university lab and was used by a BIO150 class for animal behavior experiments. They were going to dispose of him but offered him up to anyone who would take him first. I wonder if that's why he's so aggressive- his early life was probably full of constant stress. I didn't know how long he would survive when I first brought him back because his first tank was very impromptu (I didn't expect to acquire a betta). He's probably much happier with his current setup.

And yeah, pictus cats are amazing but they cover a lot of distance quickly while swimming. The fact that they like to live in groups means that you'll probably need upwards of 100 gallons of water (and no small tankmates). I would love to see them in a super long, shallow tank.

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