severum boy
Fish Herder
Fish and beetles from the Scarab family.
Just tooooo much fun.
Just tooooo much fun.
why do I have to change my name?Bah! Wolf. That is such a cat person thing to say change your name immediately!! the dogs are insulted!
someone once told me that whatever you chose as your favorite animal - it will have the characteristics of your ideal partner in it to much psycho babble i'm not sure. So it doesn't matter what we chose, it just means we all have our ideal.
dogs,dogs,dogs definately dogs.
if cats are so intelligent why do they need 9 lives?
if cats are so clever why do they still need humans to open their food tins?
if cats are so clever why do they get stuck up trees?
dogs rule!cats follow a safe distance behind
You can't compare a cat to a dog really, each has its +'s and -'s.dogs,dogs,dogs definately dogs.
if cats are so intelligent why do they need 9 lives?
if cats are so clever why do they still need humans to open their food tins?
if cats are so clever why do they get stuck up trees?
dogs rule!cats follow a safe distance behind
11 Dogs don't understand their tail is Theirs
10. You don't have to pick up their poop, thus disgracing yourself publicly, like you do with dogs.
9. They only take up a small section of your bed, and provide you with foot warmers for those cold Canadian Winter's nights.
8. Generally, cats don't slobber or drool on you
7. They meow quietly instead of barking loudly!
6. Cats are self-cleaning (and darn good at it!)
5. They are portable, cuddly, lap-top companions.
4. Most cats can be left overnight with no problems, and no pee on the floor to come home to!
3. Cats don't have "knock-you-over" doggy-breath!
LMAO they do.
2. Cats are amusing simply because they are so independent and aloof.
1. They know that the most important thing in life is sleep, and they make sure to do it all the time!
Actually, on reviewing my post about dogs, I could apply those to my husband too (except he doesn't usually jump in the river when we're out) - but the whole loyal, faithful, there-for-you thing works for us