What is WRONG???


New Member
Apr 29, 2023
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My black Molly is not acting right at all he is swimming around very fast and just looks so tight. Like he is keeping his whole body tight? I think he may have clamped fin what is the best way to cure this and first action to make? Please help!
Take a photo of him quick so you can post it here for us to have a look at, then do a big water change. That's always the first thing you do when something is off with your fish.
Test the water for ammonia, nitrite, nitrate and pH.

Wipe the inside of the glass down with a clean fish sponge. This removes the biofilm on the glass and the biofilm will contain lots of harmful bacteria, fungus, protozoans and various other microscopic life forms.

Do a 75% water change and gravel clean the substrate every day for a week or until the problem is identified. The water changes and gravel cleaning will reduce the number of disease organisms in the water and provide a cleaner environment for the fish to recover in. It also removes a lot of the gunk and this means any medication can work on treating the fish instead of being wasted killing the pathogens in the gunk.
Make sure any new water is free of chlorine/ chloramine before it is added to the tank.

Clean the filter if it hasn't been done in the last 2 weeks. However, if the filter is less than 6 weeks old, do not clean it. Wash the filter materials/ media in a bucket of tank water and re-use the media. Tip the bucket of dirty water on the garden/ lawn. Cleaning the filter means less gunk and cleaner water with fewer pathogens so any medication (if needed) will work more effectively on the fish.

Increase surface turbulence/ aeration to maximise the dissolved oxygen in the water.

Post clear pictures and video of the fish so we can check them for diseases.
You can upload videos to YouTube, then copy & paste the link here.
If you use a mobile phone to film the fish, hold the phone horizontally so the footage fills the entire screen.

Tell us about the tank (water change schedule, filter cleaning, how long it's been set up for, etc).
Take a photo of him quick so you can post it here for us to have a look at, then do a big water change. That's always the first thing you do when something is off with your fish.

Take a photo of him quick so you can post it here for us to have a look at, then do a big water change. That's always the first thing you do when something is off with your fish.
I keep trying to post a picture and video and it keeps saying I cant
Your video needs to be uploaded onto somewhere like YouTube first, then copy the link and paste it here.

If you click on the 'attach files' button you should get the option to upload from your gallery?
It would be better to load into this thread so members can see the photo here without having to go looking for it
Ok it still won't let me do the video and with how fast he is swimming around it's hard to get a picture but this is what I got...


  • Snapchat-1454315253.jpg
    160.8 KB · Views: 24
  • Snapchat-1631765275.jpg
    165.5 KB · Views: 29
As CaptianBarnicles said
Your video needs to be uploaded onto somewhere like YouTube first, then copy the link and paste it here.
Videos cannot be attached to posts directly, they need to be uploaded to a video hosting site first, then the url pasted into your post.
There seems to be mucus on the molly. @Colin_T can provide insight, and he asked some questions above which need answers for members to help. And, what are the parameters, which refer to GH, pH and temperature. Ammonia, nitrite and nitrate are conditions, we need those too if you can test.
As CaptianBarnicles said

Videos cannot be attached to posts directly, they need to be uploaded to a video hosting site first, then the url pasted into your post.
My black Molly is not acting right at all he is swimming around very fast and just looks so tight. Like he is keeping his whole body tight? I think he may have clamped fin what is the best way to cure this and first action to make? Please help!
What else do you have in the tank and how are they behaving?

Mollies are a hard water fish so your water may be too soft at 180, also if Nitrates are reading 80 you ought to do a big water change if you haven't already 👍🏻 don't be scared to take half out and replace it with fresh dechlorinated water
Oh wait..180 may be OK 🤔 need to double check..
Mollies like hard water, 15-30 dH...
General_Hardness_chart (1).jpg

How long have you had him? If Byron is right in thinking he's got excess slime coat (I can't see clearly from the photos) your Molly's skin is irritated, so doing a big water change will dilute whatever is bothering him, most likely the high Nitrates 👍🏻 see what he does after

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