What is wrong with these people?

Yeah. Luckily my tank is 30 gallon. Its about 80cm long and it will have plenty of hiding spots. You know, I will get kuhlis so.
I would love to get some Kuhlii loaches, my LFS never carries them. :/
That's too bad :( From all I heard they are entertaining.
I do hear they are fun. I’m looking into getting either a shoal of Cory cats or a group of Rummy nose tetras. Which do you prefer? :)
I would get cories to be honest. They also are very fun to look at :)
Ok! It’s going to take a while to save up the funds for them. At my LFS they start at $6 each. (That means for 6 of them, I would have to spend $36. :/ )
Ok! It’s going to take a while to save up the funds for them. At my LFS they start at $6 each. (That means for 6 of them, I would have to spend $36. :/ )
That's not cheap. I'll be going for 10-12 kuhlis, then it is not going to be cheap :/

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