What is the personality of your Betta Splendens?

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Fish Addict
Jun 24, 2020
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I have my first Betta Max, since he is my only experience with these fish, I was wondering about Betta's personality from those of us that have kept Bettas and are familiar with them.

I have only had Max for going on a month now, and he is living in a 29-gallon tank with only one snail for company. I have tried to interact with him, but he doesn't seem to care about it. At first, when he was near the glass I would put my finger up to the glass, he would dart away and not come back to that spot until I left. Now though he is getting a bit bolder and flaring a little when I do the same. He is a beautiful fish, very inquisitive about his surroundings. I watch him swimming all over the place in the tank and I have ornaments and other stuff in the tank for him to explore. He eats well, but I have spoiled him because at first only fed him brine shrimp. I got him a small bottle of betta food, but he ignores it. But he attacks the brine shrimp.

That's the best I can describe Max's personality as of now. What about your Betta's personality?
Gosh, mine all are different. I have one that is shy and hides a lot. One that acts “majestic” and struts his stuff. Two come right to the glass and say hello, one of these is in construction and always building bubble nests. My oldest likes to stay on his perch either on the sponge filter or a ceramic mermaid stuck to the front of the glass. He comes when called if I can’t find him on his perch. I have found that Bettas are as different as people. ;)
Morocco is a Veil Tail, red with little purple bits here and there. He is fun to watch, but I would not call him "playful". He does not flare when interacted with unless he is mad for some reason, but always comes to say hello.

He has taken down the cherry shrimp in his tank, has a powerful bite and is not afraid to show it off when grabbing the bloodworms from the feeding pipette. Eats anything that moves, but takes pellets too. He has eyed my finger a couple of times but I will not satisfy that nasty desire of his.

Builds bubble nests as if the world were going to end the next day. Loves to explore his surroundings and his fins are now back to normal after he shredded them in the Hornwort. @PheonixKingZ recommended Anacharis and that has worked well for him. He likes to sleep inside a log.

I never thought I would get a Betta, but am glad I did. :fish:
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My Betta “Ace” (profile picture) is a very spunky guy. He will follow my finger on the glass and he swims between my fingers when I put them in the tank. He’s very chill with me.

He eats Omega One Betta Buffet pellets and Fluval Bug Bites. He loves both.


If your betta is swimming away, he’s probably scared of you now. It will take a while for him and you to bond, it always does. :)
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Looks like I am going to have to give it more time together to see how Max progresses in his personality. That day at the pet store while looking at the Betta's in the cups, my niece who picked Max argued with me, because I was looking at a larger beautiful red-colored half-moon. The water in their little cups was cloudy, making it hard to see the bettas inside. Max was the tiniest one there, and the cloudy water really made it hard to see him. That was until I picked the cup up and had a closer look to see how colorful he was. I then gave in to my niece, bringing Max home. Even though he doesn't interact with me, he is still fun to watch. His body is so small compared to his large colorful fins.

Thanks for the replies, everyone.
I have my first Betta Max, since he is my only experience with these fish, I was wondering about Betta's personality from those of us that have kept Bettas and are familiar with them.

I have only had Max for going on a month now, and he is living in a 29-gallon tank with only one snail for company. I have tried to interact with him, but he doesn't seem to care about it. At first, when he was near the glass I would put my finger up to the glass, he would dart away and not come back to that spot until I left. Now though he is getting a bit bolder and flaring a little when I do the same. He is a beautiful fish, very inquisitive about his surroundings. I watch him swimming all over the place in the tank and I have ornaments and other stuff in the tank for him to explore. He eats well, but I have spoiled him because at first only fed him brine shrimp. I got him a small bottle of betta food, but he ignores it. But he attacks the brine shrimp.

That's the best I can describe Max's personality as of now. What about your Betta's personality?
Kevin is very interesting- comes to the glass when I come up and he is always building bubble nests! He eats a lot and loves his houses.

Katie, Gretchen, Regina, and Karen are my Babes Sorority. They are all very funny and love each other. Every time I come up to the glass, they think I will feed them. They lay on the leaves of the plants and sometimes chase each other playfully, never biting or anything (I think they get bored lol)

I love bettas and think they have become underrated very quickly!
lol I am beginning the think, after reading everyone's comments about their bettas, that Max is a bit slow in the head. When it comes to feeding time he misses the food. I drop a few pieces of his food near him, but he swims right under it and ignores it. So I drop a few more pieces in and leave him alone. After a while I see him approach the food and nibble at it. The only thing he eats is brine shrimp, but I have run out of it and need to go into town for more. His food pellets are fresh, bought it just a few weeks ago, so that shouldn't be the problem. The food is something that some else on this forum had suggested. I put a link below on amazon.

New Life Spectrum Betta 70g Fish Food
I once had a betta which would only eat soggy food. I had to soak pellets in a bit of tank water for a few minutes before carefully placing them on the water surface (he wouldn't eat them if they sank either). I automatically carried on doing this with the next betta only to find he wouldn't touch soggy pellets, only nice hard ones.
My betta, Lotus, loves to squeeze through things such as rosette swords. She also eats too much. She is a little territorial towards other fish when her log stops moving around a lot, but she's fine when it doesn't stay in one place. I saw her attack a ramshorn snail a few days ago. She is very sweet towards people, though.

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