what is the name of this tetra?


Fish Addict
Jun 27, 2005
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Wow again guys need some of ur help. I recently saw a type of tetra that looks like neon tetra but it only have a glowing light on its eye the rest of its body ain't glowing. I decide to buy 5-6 of this to mix with my 25g tetras. Can any one give some information about them. That if they could be keep with other tetra B) .

thx for looking
Cardinals look almost like Neons except the coloration is slightly different. They still glow. It almost sounds like a Black Neon but those have a stripe too.
I'm pretty sure its not cardinal because it dont have an glowing strip from its head to its tail. They only have their eye glowing like a little spot on its eye r glowing.
Diamond Head Neon Tetras?

Do they have the coloring on a Neon, except no blue stripe, just the spot near the eye? And then the red on their rear half of the body? If so, I'm betting Diamond Head Neon Tetras, because I have the same ones. :) They are the same species as a Neon Tetra, so mix just like you would a Neon.
I have 8 little tetras that my green neons school with. They have green neon spots on their eyes. There are also hints of green neon spots along the spine just at their head. They are silver/greyish on the front three quarters and red (like neons) on the bottom back quarters. They are small--an inch + maybe. They were sold to me as diamond tetras. :nod:
you are describing a lampeye panchax Micropanchax macrophthalmus, which is a killiefish and not a tetra.

These fish are hard to keep in the aquarium as they need perfect water conditions.
good luck with them.
I'm not sure what The Wolf is referring to :dunno: , but my diamond (head?) are definatetly tetra. I have eight; they are very like the cardinal and the neon, but they have the neon green eyes and no neon stripe. My green neon little, little guys usually school with them. I always asume that the tiny green neons get some extra protection. They are a community fish. Too small to harm any one. I've seen very little fuss, an occasional quick dart at a fellow to tell him off. (In a serpae it would be a fin nip.) They school like a cloud drifting. They are in my very varied tetra 100 usg with cories, otos, clown loaches, dwarf cichlids. They are my base community stock. Not the showiest, but lovely. I gotta tell ya, short of correction by an academic or a breeder, I'm sure they are tetra.

And, IMCL85, if we've described your new guys, that's what you've got: a goody for the tetra tank. :nod: And easy to keep, as long as you don't house them with an oscar. :p
I think Wolf's right, I have a small shoal of them and they are lovely little fish, but delicate. Mine are in with a few Emporer Tetra and I've not had any problems with them.
jollysue said:
I'm not sure what The Wolf is referring to :dunno:

I'm refering to the original posters description of his fish.
:*) Gottcha, The Wolf. My Bad! (as the kids say.) I started wondering if I might have lost your thread of reference. So if the original poster is still around maybe someone has a good site or can provide some links to compare so IMCL85 can find out what's swimming in the tank and some care instructions. I haven't seen any pictures of the diamond head, but a red/grey neon is close enough, I think. The picture on the web site that Elisabeth85 posted in the general Chit-Chat Forum has a good one.

Sorry for the confusion on my part. :/
I will try to find a picture. Tomorrow I be off to get these fish. Thx for every one help I be hosting it asap that is if my stupid phone is working.
I just found a picture and description of a diamond head tetra. It doesn't seem to exactly match mine. It appears some of these little neon varieties are the result of breeding, so there are probably/maybe some variations. The picture wasn't very good and the description unsure.
Here's a pic of some lampeyes:


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