What Is The Most Fragile Tropical Fish

I have also heard that cardinals are one of the more difficult fish to keep. Fortunately, I have had great success with 7 of mine. :) A fish that I realize after a few attempts that I'm not meant to keep are panda corys. :no:
This is a very good thread, well done. Would be excellent advice for newbies on what to steer clear of when setting up their first tanks. :)
otos because they need a very mature tank and also theyre mostly captured from the wild and they poisen them slightly to knock them out so they are able to catch them because of how they hide.
In my experience:

Guppy's-Died in a couple of days for no damn good reason(next time round im going to see if females are any better, or just try to source some strong ones).
On the subject of guppys, does anyone happen to know anywhere you can order strong or wild ones that arent inbred off the net? Its just for future reference :) .

Dwarf Gouramis-Took about a week to go, the female lasted a bit longer. I've tried these twice, both from the same lfs and one time it looked like dropsy the other time they just lost colour and died.

Ottos-Again, i've tried these a few times, but they never seemed to eat ANYTHING.

Neons-Although i've never really had them long enough without them being eaten to comment on hardiness, the only neons i ever see looking healthy in the lfs are the 'jumbo neons'. My black neons have never had any problems, they are much better than regular neons.
another vote for overbred crap guppies. You really need to pick a strong/ fiesty one at LFS
Guppies (especially females after giving birth), neon's and cardinals i've always had problems with. The guppies lasted longest but were always getting dropsy or dying. Never had a problem with other fish. Seems weird to me when people say a guppy is a hardy fish.

Like above, had no problems with black neons.
All my glowlights seem to die too, although i still have one left from a group of 6. He's still hanging in there doing real well, but hangs at the back of the tank a lot. Probably lonely, poor chap.

On the other hand, my harlequins have been with me the longest. Must be over a year since i got them, although they've never spawned. Platties have been with me since i got the tanks 18 months ago. The original parents died long back, but the kids kids kids are still here :/
From experience- black mollies kept under unsuitable conditions. Mea culpa, mea maxima culpa! Soft acid water-I was young and there was no internet in those days. They were forever coming down with whitespot.

From looking round the shops- dwarf gouramis. Always look sickly.

From hearsay- elephantnose.
For me its the dam neon tetras, Dam things fall over faster than windows ME

Hence I will not even attempt no more, Could be the very hard water here.
Elephant fish ( i think thats the name ) they are nocturnal, only eat live foods and are blind!
My dad used to have one when he knew nothoing about fish, liked the look of it so bought it kinda thing.
Elephant fish ( i think thats the name ) they are nocturnal, only eat live foods and are blind!
My dad used to have one when he knew nothoing about fish, liked the look of it so bought it kinda thing.

If they're blind, how do they know if it is night? :S
Elephant fish ( i think thats the name ) they are nocturnal, only eat live foods and are blind!
My dad used to have one when he knew nothoing about fish, liked the look of it so bought it kinda thing.

I knew they were supposed to be nocturnal, but i never knew they were blind. They can also deliver a small electric shock to defend themselves, so that's just another reason for researching fish before you get them :rolleyes: .

If they're blind, how do they know if it is night? :S

Good point :lol: . The ones i see in the lfs are always active during the day though.
quality of fish is a big issue here. I put neons in my tank just after cycling it, and none have died or had diseases since. They are pretty hardy things. I wouldnt call them 'rubbish fish'.

on a worse note, i have never been able to keep guppies alive.
I can't seem to keep dwarf gouramis alive. They always seem to come down with dropsy even though my stats are always spot on, and all the other fish are healthy and active. Must be bad stock from my LFS.

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