What is the hardiest fish?

What is the hardiest fish in your oppinion,


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    Votes: 6 46.2%

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    Votes: 2 15.4%

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    Votes: 2 15.4%
  • pleco

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i thought the same thing, it can live in small spaces, in low temp and the biggest range of ph, i tottaly agree
In the wild it can survive in a puddle with almost no oxygen, wild temp swings, rotting vegetation, high/low PH for weeks, etc (the wild variety, not the ones from the pet shop).
The shop variety can probably take the most abuse before it kicks the bucket, out of the fish on the list.
Good luck with your school project
In the wild it can survive in a puddle with almost no oxygen, wild temp swings, rotting vegetation, high/low PH for weeks, etc (the wild variety, not the ones from the pet shop).
The shop variety can probably take the most abuse before it kicks the bucket, out of the fish on the list.
Good luck with your school project
thanks mate
Plastic fish. They float on monafilament lines. if you shake the tank, they swim.

If you're looking for this info, you're looking for that sort of fish.
I know they aren’t in the list but I find most catfish / Plecs are pretty hardy. They are just like armoured tanks. They are usually the last to die if anything goes off in the water
I know they aren’t in the list but I find most catfish / Plecs are pretty hardy. They are just like armoured tanks. They are usually the last to die if anything goes off in the water
yeah, i totally agree, ill add it now just for you, thanks for the sudgestion

look, all it is is hardy, what fish can live in the largest range of conditions, hows that, and yes people have done this, like i beleive there is a full thing on reddit dedicated to it, also its not life spam its what fish can live in the largest range of conditions ignoring the fact that the mollys can live in salt water
Okay , I get it now. The fish you are looking for is the Convict Cichlid. He will live in any water from rock hard to pillow soft . He will tolerate lemonade acidity to baking soda alkalinity. He will live in cool room temperature unheated aquariums and in sweltering heat. He will take over and breed in any size tank from a 15 gallon to a 150 gallon. He takes no guff from any other fish , he eats anything and lives forever. I am not making this up or being a wise guy. I have seen this for myself with my own two eyes not just once but many times and not only in my tanks but in other people's too. This goes for the regular Convict and the Pink Con as well.
If we aren't talking something we want to subject fish to, I can find aquarium sized mummichogs (Fundulus heteroclitus) in a small local stream that runs through a major oil refinery complex. The water's quite polluted, but the fish breed and live there, with no notable deformities. It isn't a common aquarium fish, although it should be for brackish tanks, but it has wonderful behaviour and it is Keith Richards with fins.
If you have an oil refinery beside your tank at home, you can probably buy any fish you want these days.
Okay , I get it now. The fish you are looking for is the Convict Cichlid. He will live in any water from rock hard to pillow soft . He will tolerate lemonade acidity to baking soda alkalinity. He will live in cool room temperature unheated aquariums and in sweltering heat. He will take over and breed in any size tank from a 15 gallon to a 150 gallon. He takes no guff from any other fish , he eats anything and lives forever. I am not making this up or being a wise guy. I have seen this for myself with my own two eyes not just once but many times and not only in my tanks but in other people's too. This goes for the regular Convict and the Pink Con as well.
thanks, never heard that before, sounds like a cool fish. convicts as being a chiclid i thought would most likely be something very percific, although ive never kept one so maybe ill look into it
Give the young man a break.
Everyone missed his point.. simple question .. simple answer.
The only fish on his list that is considered invasive.
It can live almost anywhere.. and is great for mossie control.

He did pick an inappropriate word using "hardy" but that's due to lack of knowledge.

If you must pontificate.. don't berate 😁😁
Give the young man a break.
Everyone missed his point.. simple question .. simple answer.
The only fish on his list that is considered invasive.
It can live almost anywhere.. and is great for mossie control.

He did pick an inappropriate word using "hardy" but that's due to lack of knowledge.

If you must pontificate.. don't berate 😁😁
i like guppys, also i used the word hardy as its just a word ive heard alot and thats what i thought it meant but there was more to it, thanks for the advice, i actually never thought they where invasive thats intresting

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