What is the hardiest fish?

What is the hardiest fish in your oppinion,


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look, i respect the fact that you have been in the hobby for 40 years, but at the end of the day, its just a school project, and i know all of that, ive looked into it, i just cant be bother explaining it all to my teacher plus ive been busy with other classes and i do not have the time to spend ages on something i can knock out in 2 hours in its simplest form and still get good marks, plus, to be honest i really dont care about getting these amazing marks, i just want to pass, also i know how the different ways fish are produced effect how long they live, the neon tetra diseas is a perfect example, like over breeding has lead to it and it causes fatality quikly like theres so may factors that i can simply not be bothered spend hours to find, i dont care enough to do so. so im most likely gonna find a way to like delete the poll as the whole aim and function has been completed and i have no interest in spending as long as i have going through all the comments and man do i regret posting it here, like why are half the people you meet online are so judgy, people rant on like i dont want to read that. so mate, im gonna look at the end product, as literly the rest is irrelivent and unnecesary for my porject and if you can honestly tell me that you would spend hours at school doing homework for a task like this when you have only a few weeks to complete it, dedicate all your time to find the origins of just a few fish species then hats off to you, but id prefer whatching fish videos and learning about the state we receive them in and how to look after them in any condition. thanks for the reply.
If you want to do a project properly then yes, you do have to spend the time researching it...even if that takes you away from playing with your buddies etc

I get the very distinct impression that you thought just cos you do not care about how fish are bred and that it is irrelevent, that everyone else thinks the same way.

You are very much mistaken.

Do it right or don't do it at all. Skip the project since you cannot be bothered to do it right.

Your choice and perogative.

But please do not throw a tantrum when the responses that you get do not suit your requirements.
If you want to do a project properly then yes, you do have to spend the time researching it...even if that takes you away from playing with your buddies etc

I get the very distinct impression that you thought just cos you do not care about how fish are bred and that it is irrelevent, that everyone else thinks the same way.

You are very much mistaken.

Do it right or don't do it at all. Skip the project since you cannot be bothered to do it right.

Your choice and perogative.

But please do not throw a tantrum when the responses that you get do not suit your requirements.
this is my last responce to this cause i cannot be bother sitting down fighting with some guy, like as i said, if i could skip the project i would, and tantrum, come on mate, im just a bit annoyed that at the start i though yay look, some nice people are trying to get it right and help me, i was wrong, the more i try to fix things the worse it gets, clearly you are not good at looking at things from different point of veiws and i get it, sometimes its difficult, but you gotta understand, i really dont care, like at the start i though i cant wait to have a friendly chat with people who like the same things as i do but clearly you arnt as nice as i expected, you are the one throwing a tantrum, see i dont want an argument, i just want to keep the peice although, sometimes i can get a bit deffencive as i have been picked on alot in the past so im trying to get better at standing up for myself and my oppinions as my perants tell me, they matter, so yeah i get it if you dont like how i work but i ask if you could please, just not go on and start accusing me of not doing things properly as im trying. if you want things done properly, as i always say, do it yourself. thats how i got a fish tank in the first place, my perants didnt want one, i spent hours working extra at my job, hungry jacks and hours creating a massive powerpoint on how it is what im interested in and how it all works, to be turned down multiple times, and then finally get them to agree, i built the stand from scratch and whatched countless videos on fish to get into the hobby, so maybe first off, if i want something done properly, i can promise you ill do it, and next, was it really necessary to spend as long as you did, trying to put me down, im just saying like think of all the other things you could have done and tell me it wasnt a waste of time, good talking with you but im gonna find a way to block this sites email as those dinging is starting to annoy.
You have a lot to learn about the adult world, good luck with that.
It is very sad

Cos if people do actually sit down and research properly, there is a world of fascinating things out there.

You won't get anywhere without doing a bit of research...passing exams to getting that job that you want...all takes hard graft, reseach and the ability to accept when you are wrong and learning from mistakes.
lol thanks, i actually finish school at the end of the year, bit nevous, any tips :)
You seem to have a chip on your shoulder the size of Mount Everest.

Drop the attitude sunshine and start learning.
I completed two assignments for school in my final year. They were about fish and plants in aquariums, both were published in our National Aquarium Society Magazine. I did them because of my love for fish and enjoyed the challenges that were involved. Never do something because you have to do it because you want to.
It is very sad

Cos if people do actually sit down and research properly, there is a world of fascinating things out there.

You won't get anywhere without doing a bit of research...passing exams to getting that job that you want...all takes hard graft, reseach and the ability to accept when you are wrong and learning from mistakes.
yep, but there is one thing i learned from this website, social media is one of the worst things ever invented, you have never met me, you dont know what im like, i know alot of good people who would swear and yell online but in real life they would simply laughing, sounds evil, its not cause they dont see the other person on the other side and thry see it as a game, for as far as i know you could be some angry 20 year old on his laptop with his sould purpose to insult people like i dont know that, and i could be a 50, you cant see me thus you will never truley know what im like and who i am, in person alot of people have said im and i quote "the nicest person you will ever meet" as well as alot of people say i am a bit immature but they also say im learning, yeah im not perfect but nor are you, so part of growing up is accepting that and moving forward. so my question for you is, who is actually the one that needs to grow up, the one asking a question or the many people judging him for simply asking. so im gonna log out as i do not like this community, but i want to say before i got, grow up mate as instead of staying online to insult me, go see some friends, live properly, go on adventures, dont learn online, learn with experiences, so please dont judge people from what you read online, go see people in person, then if you see somethings wrong say it to there face and dont just complain. if you really want to just continue insulting me, and just being toxic, then maybe it says more on you then it does on me. well im not gonna sit here all day arguing, im gonna go work on this other little plroject, im currently building a mini plywood aquarium for my mothers school as there looking into team seas and other organisations like them, to help them with there enviroment thing im building this insane collection box from scratch, its gonna have macro algae and as ive had salt water before im exited, cioa ciao, have a nice life, as we dont live for long remember
also i aplaude the effort, thats really impressive, mind if you send me the link, id love a read, i found these great articles once and its like the only thing i like to read at the moment
I completed two assignments for school in my final year. They were about fish and plants in aquariums, both were published in our National Aquarium Society Magazine. I did them because of my love for fish and enjoyed the challenges that were involved. Never do something because you have to do it because you want to
btw, goldfish are not that hardy, temp wise there good but there are alot of diseases that can effect them and they grow very big, id argue something more like a zebra danio, and when i think about hardy, i more think in the wild like if a goldfish and a zebra danio or a betta was in a puggle goldfish would be the first to go, just saying. also i AM NOT SAYING YOU SHOULD ABUSE FISH, they are an amazing species and are just magical. thanks for the responces
Betta is hands down the hardiest of all the fish in your list (in the wild)
Betta is hands down the hardiest of all the fish in your list (in the wild)
i thought the same thing, it can live in small spaces, in low temp and the biggest range of ph, i tottaly agree

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