What is so bad about LFS bettas

an important distinction between breeding bettas and dogs for appearance is that most of the big genetic flaws that would impair a betta's quality of life are visibly apparent. deformed gill covers, "notches", eyesight problems--most of these appear while the betta is still young enough to be classified into breed/pet quality.

additionally, while many purebred dogs are distinguished by characteristics that could be considered deformities or detrimental to overall health (such a squished-face dogs with chronic sinus troubles or puppies with heads so large that c-sections are required for birth), bettas are rarely bred to enhance these effects. some argument could be made that superdeltas, double-tails and other types of "excessive" finnage interfere with natural movement, but there is no report of these bettas suffering reduced lifespan or injuries so long as they are kept in slow moving or still waters (an environment more closely resembling their natural environment than the typical high-rate filter tank).

the inbreeding complained about with livebearers is most directly linked to the "mutt" quality livebearers obtained through most LFS. "show" quality guppies typically cost upwards of $30 per trio and while thoroughly line-bred, deformities such as hump-backs are considered defects in a line and are not encouraged. mutt livebearers are obtained through fish farms or mutt breeders, very few of whom take especial care to track the complicated geneologies or separate out the different generations into different tanks. even the responsible mutt breeders, who take care to separate out each generation and every three weeks sell old fry to make room for new fry, often sell fry to the same LFS where they are tossed into the same 1 or 2 tanks as their older siblings who haven't sold yet. so the effort put into segregating the fry is essentially negated and the cycle of inbreeding continues.

breeding bettas does not happen by accident as it does with livebearers and takes time/effort. thus the process is much more controlled and regulated, so breeding primarily for appearance does not directly result in health detriments.

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