What is so bad about LFS bettas


A Shrine To Madness
May 28, 2005
Reaction score
Fargo, ND
What is wrong with them? I keep on getting, go buy quality bettas, well, guess what, dont' you think all types of bettas deserve to breed? My LFS keeps the tanks (at least betta) ultra clean, they clean the tanks at least once every two days, plant the tank, use sponge filters (so their poor little fins don't get caught in an actual filter) and air pump, lighting, and they also have recently started using indan almond leave. They are really nice too. I'm going to buy one or two females tomorrow and gonna breed one of them. So, why are you guys all like, don't by store bettas! All bettas were probably store bough at one time, unless you caught them yourselves.
Its that..........Petstore bettas are mutts...

They have strains and genes from like everybetta in the world

If u breed a Petstore Plakat thats red to another one thats red.......ull get MANY Colors.........

Which is bad because ur contribuing to the "mutt-e-ness"

also beacuse most bettas in Petstore...are VTs.....and VTS arent popular anymore
So you are basically saying, petstore bettas are the worst thing ever?
For breeding....yea

BUT! they are the coolest pet bettas !!!!!!!!!!!! so dunt get me wrong

Its just when someone spawns, they want a particuler trait

Example.....Say u buy a Petstore betta because U like his Fins....If u breed him.......for all u know ull get CTS.....if his lets say.....Delta....Get my drift here O_O

People who breed petstore bettas ddont really care about how they look.....They just take the male with the biggest bubblenst and any female whos rdy beacuse they want to do it quick for money

So then they mate lets say.....a Red VT to a Blue CT.....Babies come out combtails

Then they that Combtail and breed it to any feamle whos rdy.Lets ay.....a Orange PLakat Female...U breed them and u get a whole bunch of fry with different genes......

ALSO.......Having many genes can lead to deformites...and very UGLY outcomes

Get my drift?.............Like Synirr.......SEe how Ipos was a petstore betta.....and non of the fries have his colors.....Becaues he had many genes......

BUT.....See somethings thats cool...Cuz Ipos' fries are.....AWESOMEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My whole point exactly! Cept it'll be vise versa! Good male, storebought female!
!! U didnt say that LOL

If one is Pure, and one is a Mutt.......You'll still get many differnt outcomes....but they will be....Awesome!!!!!!!! Because they will tend to be more like the pure one :D
By posting that thing was an extended version of those few words, cept with questions.
The reason peopeldont breed LPS/LFS bettas is because they're not pure, and what every betta owner's aim should be, is to have a world with pure bred perfect bettas who are better in every way. So we try not to breed the mutts and VTs because they're not pure breeds and no one will take them because there are so many.

Would you buy a purebred female puppy (say a Boxer) and then go to the pound and adopt a mixed breed male puppy (say mixed with chow/lab) and then when they grow up purposfully breed the 2 together..and hope to sell the puppies?

Absolutely not. It's the same regard with bettas. When you breed 2 animals (no matter teh sepcies) together you should always try to better whatever breed you are going to attempt breeding. Not mix them up to create more mutts...mutts that you have NO idea what they could or will look like.

Mutts make great PETS not BREEDERS. Tha'ts why when you adopt from the pound..you get a fixed animal...so they don't breed and create more unwanted pets.

It just doesn't make good sense to breed veils, knowing this. And if you aren't willing to spend the $$$ on quality breeding stock...you honestly, don't need to be breeding in the first place.

Most people aren't going to buy a Veil for more then $4, and you are going to spend alot more per fish then that just breeding them...then to sell them you also have to charge shipping. Not too many people are going to pay for both...and TBH most people aren't going to pay to have a Veil shipped when they can just go to Walmart or their LFS/LPS and get one for $3.47.

So what I'm saying is...if you want to make ANY of your money back at all...invest in quality stock...otherwise...have at it but be fore warned you will be in teh hole (money wise) after it's all said and done...plus you might end up having a bunch of fry no one wants on your hands. (because as you said your LFS breeds their own bettas..so they sure aren't going to take yours -_- and the people on here can get quality stock and not regular veils..from people like Synirr and Kelly)

You are dealing with the lives of other living things...you shouldn't breed them because it's cheap or easy or because you think it's cool (becasue everyone else is doing it)...but instead to better them any way you can.

Which honestly seems to be the going thing now days around here. Everyone wants to "breed" their bettas..cas everyone else is doing it. So they think it'd be cool to do it too, even though they have no idea what they are doing and are ready to jump in feet first without testing the waters first.
Just making a few threads, asking a few questions, and finding out how much it will cost is not all there is to it. Actually keeping bettas for a while (say a year or so) would be a better option, imo. Not getting 1 or 2 bettas, having them for a month, thinking they are cool, and making the decision that becasue other peopel are breeding them that you're gonna start breeding bettas, because it'd be a cool thing to do.
It's really getting ridiculous imo.
SRC :flowers:

You said it good!

Yea, I agree before you breed already have plans on who you gonna give them too

As for me, Im going to keep some and give to my friends and here :)
So well said SRC!! It is getting crazy around here, but I can't say much as I have been researching a lot about breeding and want to do it as well. I already have tons of places to give them if I ever decided to do anything. I totally agree with you SRC!!!
Yea, I have my purposes of Breeding

I want to Get the DT/Copper and possibly, the Orange genoes outta The plakats....

Im rather lookin for a small spawn, I have everything ready.

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