What Is It?


Fish Addict
Oct 11, 2006
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i have 3 of these corys and ive had them for a while but i dont know what the hell they are. They are a goldish colour and around the gills a slight green tint.

heres a pic of one

i need to know the name of it because im giving them to my LFS and changing my tropical tank into a nano reef :good:
okay thanks you and thanks for wishing me luck with my nanao :) also are they quite rare or just the run of the mill cory coz i dont want my lfs to say heres £3 store credit for em all.
orange lazer is a colour morph of the bronze corydora.

Not rare, but then not really too common, they sell for a higher price than bronze, but overall care is the same.
Hi rhysiboy :)

Let me give you an idea of the price difference between your Orange Lasers and the more commonly found bronze or albino C. aeneus. In my area, the bronze sell for about $3 each, while the laser corys, in the rare event that they can be found at all, would sell for about $16.

It would be good if you could get these beautiful fish into the hands of someone who would appreciate having them, instead of selling them to an lfs. :D
if you lived by me id happily sign em over to anyy people on this forum as i know they would be in good hands. But my lfs is excellent. the display tanks are about 14gallons each and ive seen all of the background as i did work expieirience there.

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